Greetings all...
New guy here and I'm doing a 50w Jubilee clone build where I got the chassis and parts minus Trannies and headcase from Nik.
I sourced a JTM-45 PT that would fit the mounting holes. It's got the 5V taps for a tube rectifier and I remember at one point Nik telling me I needed that to power the relay. However, on the layout it doesn't show this. Do I need those taps or should I just tie them off?
This is my first kit build. I did a Plexi a while back but I sourced everything and used a Metro layout and so far I've been very happy. Everything fits and works and the quality is much better than the Mojotone chassis and face plates I used for the Plexi.
Also, stupid question possibly but is the layout on the ceriatone site the only resource for building this amp? Just curious. Schematics and whatnot would be quite helpful.