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1  American Style / BF Champ, Vibro Champ / Re: Faceplates/labelling? on: January 29, 2009, 09:16:59 AM
A small update, I emailed Nik recently and he mentioned that he is going to get some faceplates made.  I'll be interested to see how these look, and I guess I will go down that route.

I have to say though, that I'd prefer the angled front & Blackface style, like johan68 has done http://ceriatoneforum.com/index.php?topic=864.0.  It's just a thing of beauty IMHO
2  American Style / BF Champ, Vibro Champ / Faceplates/labelling? on: January 11, 2009, 09:22:32 AM
I'm just wondering if any of you guys have labelled the controls of your VC's, if so how did you do it?

3  British Style / Plexi Lead, Bass, Superlead / Re: Plexi 50 or 100 on: January 09, 2009, 04:46:52 AM
I am to considering building a Plexi, and am having difficulty decide on to 50 or the 100.  I'm leaning towards the 100, and running it on just 2 power valves.  I guess it would sound very similar to the 50 (although, ot is just a guess).
4  Website, Store / Support / Re: My JTM45 power indicator is not working on: January 01, 2009, 07:38:02 AM
Sorry to be dumb, but what is a MOV?
5  Website, Store / Support / Re: My JTM45 power indicator is not working on: December 11, 2008, 05:50:40 AM
I had read a few people had the indicators fail, but didn't realise this was the cause.  I wonder if it can easily be surge protected (by the simple addition of a cap, or something similar).
6  Website, Store / Support / My JTM45 power indicator is not working on: December 09, 2008, 03:58:50 AM
My JTM45 power indicator is no longer working.  It is labled 6V, and looks like it has an LED in the housing.

Can I change the "bulb" on these?
7  British Style / JTM 45, 50 / Re: So, how do I use this my JTM45?? on: October 04, 2008, 09:34:42 PM
Thanks, this seems a lot easier amp to get good tones from than I expected.  The amps I have used in the past always seemed tricky to get good tones from, the controls always seemed to interact with each other in somewhat unpredictable ways. 

The JTM seems to do much what I expect, which is nice. 

I may have to get an attenuator though Smiley
8  British Style / JTM 45, 50 / So, how do I use this my JTM45?? on: October 03, 2008, 02:02:46 PM
Serious question, I just got my JTM45 and it sounds great.  And of course I am playing with different settings, but any tips on good settings would be cool.  Also, how do you jumper the channels?

9  British Style / JTM 45, 50 / Re: Is it possible to fit a JTM45/50 in a smaller chassis? on: September 23, 2008, 07:23:27 AM
I was thinking both chassis & cab size.  Some of those Marshall heads are crazy big IMHO, and the Bluesbreaker combo is similarly large. 

I have a JTM45 pre-built chassis in the post as I write this, so I will try and fit it into a smaller cab/combo.  When, I originally wrote this I was mainly thinking of squeezing it into a 1x12 combo.  And, I am still thinking about this, but I keep changing my mind.  The flexibility & cool look of a head cab is very tempting too.

At this rate, I will need a combo & a head  Cheesy
10  Ceriatone / Hey What?! / Re: So, what does a Hey What sound like?? on: September 23, 2008, 07:11:12 AM
Thanks for the info.  Quite an interesting amp, especially as a pedal "platform".  I may well add one of these to my wishlist  Wink
11  Ceriatone / Hey What?! / So, what does a Hey What sound like?? on: September 23, 2008, 05:24:44 AM
I see that the Hey What is a Hiwatt clone, and I am curious how they sound.  Where do they fit in compared to the classic Fender & Marshall tones?
12  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: I want an amp with the features & flexibility of the OTS, but... on: July 07, 2008, 07:04:06 PM
Mmm, well I am not a fan of modelled amps, nor Line6.  But, it can do no harm to track one down, and see.  So, thanks for the suggestion.

BTW, how do these things "feel", can you get valve rectification like sag?
13  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: I want an amp with the features & flexibility of the OTS, but... on: June 13, 2008, 12:36:11 PM
Thanks guys   Chair Dance

14  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: I want an amp with the features & flexibility of the OTS, but... on: June 13, 2008, 05:01:35 AM
Thanks guys, having thought some more on this I have decided that a JTM45 is a better amp for me. 

Sure it lacks the options that the Overtone has, And I would like 2 channels.  But it is quite a simple amp, I reckon it can cover all I need from Fender cleans to JCM800 (with pedals).  And I think I can modify it to do anything over time.

If you think this is crazy, then please do say so.  I'm open to hearing all sides of the argument, let me know too if you think this is a sensible approach.  Smiley
15  Website, Store / Suggestions / Re: Reverb/trem unit on: June 12, 2008, 06:06:58 PM
Me too!   I'd love an external reverb unit. 
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