Hey Toppscore, I use one of these with a vintage Hiwatt, works like a charm! My line voltages are between 120 and 123volts and the apc gets me down to 108 to 110volts, The Hiwatt doesn't want to see anything higher then 115volts max. Hiwatts have a weak bias winding.
That's one of the reasons i purchased the Fuchs verbrator. Was i had to have the option of being able to run effects in parallel and not serial. Plus the re-verbs amazing! Having to deal with a rack sized d-lator was a problem for me too. Time based effects are supposed to be in the loop, you want distortion pedals out front.
Maybe I could get some advice? I've always loved the sound of the SSS and am on the fence about buying one. I play a 50 watt amp now (Heritage Colonial) and am a gigging musician. I'm wondering if the SSS would simply be too loud. We reahease in a basement with a drummer, bass player, keys, sax, so we get fairly loud even in rehearsals. The 50 watt Colonial is fine. I play it on about 2 or 3 and it sounds good.
I have owned tons of amps but have never owned a 100 watt amp.
My Bluesmaster 50w is still almost completely unmodded - the only thing that's nonstandard is I installed the Deep switch correctly. Still sounds perfect to me more than a year later, although I don't really play it that much these days as I bought a really nice Mesa Boogie Mark IV which suits my playing style a bit better.
OK, I admit ignorance. I have no clue of what is meant by "wiring the deep switch correctly". What exactly is not correct?
Like Homesick, I was thinking the same thing. If you just got this amp a week ago then you don't have a clue what this amp is about yet. I sat with it for a month on the bench tweaking at the internal trimmers. And then after that I took it out of the head and adjusted based on the break-in. But from the beginning and all along I new I had a special amp.
Getting the most out of it makes it not a "plug & play" type of thing. And also, the C-lator does add quite a bit of more sonic possibilities. It's been about 9 months since I built it and somedays I still think it's breaking in yet. Very likely changes in the tubes life. Which brings up another aspect. I have never had an amp that can react so differently based on the tubes in it. So if you haven't experimented with tubes yet, that's another aspect. I wouldn't do any of this until you get it broken in for a month or so.
I will say that if I would have owned an amp like this twenty years ago, I wouldn't have had a clue what to do with it. I just had not advanced enough in terms of my ear, playing and what I wanted out of my equipment to get what it was all about.
What he said +1000,000
It was about a 150 hours before my HRM settled down. HUGE difference from first week when i finished building, I don't think this can be said enough. Also watching my Son's playing style change over a couple of months or so had a big effect also.
Thinking about getting an OTS soon- what you guys using for a buffered loop?
I'm not an Aussie, but I'll jump in here... You mean besides the Dumbleator/C-lator (Tube) and the Klienulator (Solid State)?
Yeh, I've been looking at Fuchs verbrator, looks more portable and has reverb
I've had the Fuchs Verbrator for almost 6 months now with my Son's HRM and luv it. The parallel loop I think it's the cat's meow with delay and any time based effects in it!
Yeah the rack thing is really a pain in the ass for just blues jams so I just picked up a small Fender Combo and I use a Carl Martin Plexitone for my drive sound.
I did the combo thing in the beginning and being that most of his playing is outdoors or in a bar jam the combo's just wouldn't cut it. He was in a band last year, but the keyboard players mom was a control freak and they had no clue on how to set up a PA as you can see in the video. She pretty much tried to push me out of being part of the group. So my wife and i had to pull him out. Plus the keyboard player was much older then the rest of the band and it just wasn't going to work out. The HRM is so amazing i don't think i will ever buy another combo, plus the infinite tube rattle.
I'm not a fan of any Fuchs products due to many problems with the company, I bought 2 amps and 2 of the loops pedals all of them broke down or arrived non functioning. I was treated like garbage by Andy and his company and was actually paid off to keep my mouth shut after my last Verbulator completely crapped out on me. you should see the emails I saved when i was going back and forth with Andy after my $4,000.00 Fuchs TDS broke down twice on me and I finally had to get a refund. So in short I would stay away from anything that jack ass produces. Go with a C-ulator or the Qiunn Loopalator. There is a used Quinn on the gear Page for $375.00 which is a great deal and Shad backs up his stuff. I'm having him build me a SDO right now.
That sucks! With a 5 year warranty and so far have about a 50 hours use without a problem, if it fails i guess i will end up building my own or buying one from Glasswerks and getting my money back from Andy. I was not into the rack mounted Dlator as this is my 13 year old son's rig. Verbrator does exactly what i needed.
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