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1  Website, Store / Ceriatone.com / OTS, OTS 183, OTS S&M, OTS RM, HRM, HRM MK2, and HRM Bluesmaster??? on: May 01, 2011, 01:51:58 PM
A newbie question -- and if it has been all addressed before, please direct me to the thread.

It seems to me that there are, wattage notwithstanding, seven different standard variations of the Ceriatone Overtone.  They are the Special, Special 183, Special S&M, Special RM, HRM, HRM MK2, and HRM Bluesmaster.  This is bewildering to a complete newbie like me, especially with no cut-and-dried description of each or, better yet, a table of features / absence of features of all of them on the Ceriatone website.

Can anyone here list each of these seven models and for each describe what functions and sound set it apart from the rest?

(Not that it matters, but the D*mble tone I am after is the R. Ford playing a bridge humbucker tone.)

Thanks very much in advance for your expertise,


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