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British Style / Plexi Lead, Bass, Superlead / Re: Can't wait to turn up my Plexi 1987!!
on: June 14, 2008, 02:40:34 PM
g'day Brett
I bet it's a nice amp. Have you ever tried a power brake or hotplate. Some people hate them, but I use a p.b. with a marshall 1987 and think it works well. I wonder if anyone has used these devices with ceriatone amps?( I can't comment on that because I don't own a ceriatone YET. Can't decide on 50 or 100).
That maybe a good topic "Ceriatone and Attenuator's".
Anyway enjoy the amp. Bird Brain
British Style / Plexi Lead, Bass, Superlead / super 100(jtm45/100) @ super lead 100
on: March 16, 2008, 02:45:56 PM
I'm thinking about buying a 100 watt plexi type amp. Originally I was looking at metro amps and germino but came across ceriatone. The price looks good as do the pictures and sound clips. Anyone tried the super 100 amp with kt66's?
anyone tried 100 watt super lead with el34's?
I know the difference between these two amps. The kt66 powered one will be mellower and the el34 will have more gain and maybe alittle louder. My question is how do each of these amps compare to there original and clone counterparts? eg,ceriatone super 100 amp vs. marshall super100jh or; ceriatone super lead vs. marshall 1959HW vs. metro clone, etc.....
At these prices I may be tempted to buy both amps. hey!