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Community / Classifieds / WTB: Trainwreck Cabinet Logo
on: April 04, 2008, 02:01:44 PM
Hi, I am in search of the TW logo for the Express kit I have build (named after my wife) ; I have posted the pictures of my cabinet on this forum.
I know many have bad reactions about these logos.
I have no intention to sell this amp now or in the future, and doesn't want to preend it's a real Trainwreck. As you can see on the pictures, I have signed the cab (and the chassis too) with my own surname, so there will never be a risk of confusion.
Placing the logo is just a matter of aesthetics for me, and a kind of tribute to the late and great Ken Fisher.
So if you have one of these logos, I'll be glad to buy it.
British Style / 20 Watt Lead, Bass / Re: Strange noise on certain notes
on: January 14, 2008, 08:24:15 AM
Sorry, I less time this weekend to make tests ; the tube swapping doesn't change anything, I tried the head on another cab, with the head not resting upon the cab (for any mechanical vibration issues), with the same noise coming from the bass channel only on low E notes. Must be definitively on the preamp boad, maybe a bad component. Will check later and post back.
British Style / 20 Watt Lead, Bass / Strange noise on certain notes
on: January 10, 2008, 09:17:23 PM
Hi, I have completed my 20W Lead and Bass ; it works on first power on, the lead channel has a great clean and a marvelous cranked sound. I have only a slight problem on the bass channel only when cranked, I hear a crackling noise only on low E notes (6th string empty, or 5th string on 7th fret) but not on any other note. The noise is encountered on any of the two jack inputs, but the volume is lower on the bottom jack (as usual). It must be some kind of resonnance ? but I don't know where to look for. I have checked the values and the solder joints. Any other idea ?
British Style / 20 Watt Lead, Bass / Re: Building a 20W Lead & Bass
on: December 21, 2007, 11:58:44 AM
Hi Franc,
Nice amps and cabs ; did you make any mods to the quality of the components (resistors, caps etc) or to the layout (master volume, cascade mod ...) ? any picture of the guts ?
I am about to build myself one from scratch (unassembled boards) and I am still hesitating to go for the PPIV Master or to add a London Power scaling kit.
I also like the personalized logo plates, where did you order them ?