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Website, Store / Support / Clean Volume AH 100 deluxe cap and resistor
on: July 04, 2023, 02:29:56 AM
I'm building an AH deluxe 100.
The line going from the clean volume pot to v1b has a 1uf cap on the output lug and the ground lug has a 1M resistor. The layout looks like both the cap and the resistor attach to the main line with additional line coming off the sheild to the ground lug of the pot next to the aforementioned 1M resistor. The sheild is floated on the tube side. The ground lug also attaches to the big ground rail.
None of the pictures look like this, though all of the layouts for the AH line have the same diagram. It looks like the cap and resister were added to the 2020 revision as older pics don't have them.
The AH 50 deluxe has the best picture with the cap and resistor but clearly no additional line to ground the shield. It would make sense to me (though I don't know what I'm talking about) that the 1M resistor would attach to the shield and the ground lug of the pot along with a jumper to the big ground rail.
Does anyone know this? It's the line marked "B" on the layout.