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Website, Store / General / Re: Am I missing something? I must be
on: June 03, 2010, 04:46:26 PM
Thanks, that's very helpful. I guess I'm just used to sellers trying to make it easy for their customers, Nik doesn't seem to think it's important. Yes I can research and figure it out, but I don't think I should have to. Reputable sellers usually don't place such a burden on their customers.
In the interest of inviting more customers, and keeping them happy, most retailers try to make the buying experience a pleasant one, not fraught with frustration.
I am familiar with some of the amps offered, but many I'm not. Maybe Nik could spend about two hours adding the info I'm talking about. I'm sure he (and contributors like yourselves) have wasted far more time answering the same questions over an over. Good business people find ways to do more with less, and continuously improve. The fact that he hasn't done the above indicates that he isn't a very good businessman. Maybe a great amp builder, but I'm not sure that's enough for me.
Website, Store / General / Am I missing something? I must be
on: June 03, 2010, 01:17:55 AM
Ok, I'm new to this site. I'm trying to get some basic information but can't seem to find it. Am I not looking in the right place, or is it simply not on the site?
I'm looking for information about these amps/kits like:
A general description, what kind of an amp is it trying to be? Is it supposed to sound like some well know amp (some are obvious, many are not). Lots of clean headroom? high gain? etc.
How many watts is it? What controls does it have? master volume, treble, mid, bass, reverb? I can't really tell from the pictures. This info HAS to be there somewhere doesn't it? For the life of me I can't find it if it does. If it isn't there, that's totally unacceptable and is a deal-breaker for me. I can't do business with an outfit that doesn't see fit to provide such basic info. What does the kit include? What kind of instructions does it come with, an example of the instructions would be nice.
Am I just missing it? If i am, it means that the web site is very poorly laid out.