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1  Website, Store / Support / Building Ceriatone Plexi 101 All access, please help with wire selection on: February 27, 2022, 03:56:24 AM
Hi guys, i just finished populating the board, and assembled the chassis.Now my kit included 3 Rolls of 22AWG 600v, one roll of green 22awg 1000v , for ground

Shielded cable, i know what to do with, then 4 rolls of very thin wire, for audio connections, i assume, coming from pots, to switches?

Then, there is a smaller roll of red wire that also looks like 22awg, but its solid, copper.

Now the 2 GZ34 rectifier sockets look like they are jumped together, with yellow wire…would this be the thin wire? As the only yellow wire i have is the very thin stuff, or could you tell me what wire size i should use? Please
2  British Style / Plexi Lead, Bass, Superlead / Dimensions of Ceriatone Plexi 101 All access chassis on: February 15, 2022, 03:13:47 AM
Hi guys, i am waiting for my Ceriatone Plexi 101 All access kit to arrive, and am having Sour  Mash build me a cabinet for it, but he needs the, dimensions, of the chasis, any help
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