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1  Community / Classifieds / Mutchle$$ Lightning Combo with Weber Alnico Bluedog on: October 03, 2011, 01:00:31 AM
I have my Lightning for sale on Ebay right now. But let me know if you want it, my buy it now price is 1k, a good deal on this guy, make me an offer. With Sourmash cabinet. One tiny cosmetic issue is that the top back part of the cabinet never fit. I don't know what happened, Sourmash sized it wrong, but it didn't bug me that much and I left it off. 

2  British Style / JTM 45, 50 / Re: Whats the best amp for 60's brit garage / mod rock? on: May 02, 2010, 06:44:43 AM
Vox AC-30 hands down. The closest Ceriatone amp is the Dizzy 30 Matchless DC-30 clone which was based on the  Vox AC-30 design.
3  Website, Store / Suggestions / Orange OR-50! on: April 30, 2010, 04:31:20 AM
This would be a great choice, especially if there was the option to make a 25/50 half power type thingy. Also the OR-100, but only if you need to play on an airport runway or something.
4  Muchless / Lightning / The ideal speaker for Lightning? on: April 21, 2010, 08:54:58 PM
I ordered a new Lightning yesterday, and I'm trying to decide on a speaker for my 112.  I'm thinking of either the Weber Silver Bell ceramic or Blue Dog Alnico(I had the BD in my Vox AC30). Anybody have an opinion on a good choice for this amp?
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