Hey everyone! I was looking at getting the FM Modern Eagle. However, I'd like to try one before I pull the trigger. Does anyone have one in the nashville area that would let me try theirs?
I currently have the HRM Bluesmaster 50 and absolutely love it! I'd love to put the FM head into a combo cab for grab and go gigs and rehearsals.
I'm looking to buy a used or new, Ceriatone HRM 50W in good working condition preferably built by Nick (ceriatone company), color doesn't matter. I'm living in Maine so if people who live in the New Hampshire or Mass area that have one for sale would be great.
I have a fender 78 pro reverb that I would trade for it plus cash. Here's the Craigslist add.
I saw a youtube video of the 100 watt hrm and It was pretty much the tone I wanted, It sounded incredible. What are the differences of the hrm 100 and the Bluesmaster hrm 100? are they drastic?
I'm currently looking for an amp. I want a two rock but can't afford it (just like everyone else). Which would come closest to the tone? the hrm bluesmaster, or just the hrm. I want that thick punchy tone like what Matt Schofield has. He seems to have the tone ive been looking for, using a two rock reverb sig. I do realize that a lot of his tone is really digging into the string, which i love doing, but i need something that responds good to it.
I really wish I could just go somewhere (store) to who ever has one and try one out. That would be the ideal thing, but not many people have it.
Here's matt playing on youtube, go to 5:50, That's the tone I'm looking for
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