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American Style / 5E3 Tweed Deluxe / Re: Buzzing sound
on: April 24, 2010, 03:34:49 AM
Yeah it happens with all my guitars, and different leads. Good news thou, I took the setup to my mates house on Thursday and it didn't do it there, so its definately not the amp, its not the guitars so the problem must lie with interference within my house.......... It all happened after an earthquake ay...............
American Style / 5E3 Tweed Deluxe / Buzzing sound
on: April 19, 2010, 09:57:49 AM
G'day guys, my amp has developed a buzzing sound when I don't touch my strings, when I touch the strings the buzzing stops, I don't think this has done this b4......... I have done no work on the guitar or the amp recently, the problem has just kinda developed overnight..... I think. Do you reckon I should change out my tubes? If so which ones, power, pre-amp or rectifier?
I have recently made up a box with an attenuator that I put in series after the amp and be4 the speaker cab, this works awesome so I can thrash out my tubes whilst baby sleeps in the next room, maybe this has thrashed out the 6v6gt power tubes and now they are knackered? The amp was second hand btw.
Apart from that everything works well still.
Any feedback (no pun) would be appreciated. Cheers, Adam.
American Style / 5E3 Tweed Deluxe / 5E3 Tube Bias
on: April 02, 2010, 12:35:54 AM
Hello all, stoked this forum exists !!! This is my 1st post, I have just joined.
This amp (the 5E3) is my very 1st tube amp so forgive me if I am a little bit of a newbie.
I lent this amp to a mate at work (he's very knowledgeable with tube amps) and he said he loved it, as did my brother-in-law, I love it as well, its awesome, I think I'll have it in another 5 decades.
Anyway, I was interested in playing around with different brand tubes and seeing what kind of sounds I can get out of this amp, my question thou, and I did read it elsewhere but I just wanted confirmation from you guys, if I change different brand 6v6GT's do I need to bias the amp or not ?
Cheers, and thanks for your time, Adam