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American Style / PrinzeTone / Re: screen resistor
on: August 17, 2010, 11:31:37 PM
Hi, thanks for the reply and I was referring to the schematic. There is usually a 470ohm or a 1k soldered to pin 4 although some tweeds did not have a screen resistor. I used a 1k 5w on each just to be safe. Which value would you suggest? I am using Sylvania chrome tops. Thanks again.
Website, Store / Support / negative feedback on Prinzetone
on: August 17, 2010, 02:24:47 AM
Hi, I have a Hammond OT that has the strange secondary hookups. The schematic for the Prinzetone shows the NFB attached to the 4 ohm out. The way the Hammond is wired I need to attach it to the 16 ohm out ( the same as my speaker ). Would I need to change any of the values in the NFB circuit? On a separate topic I notice there is no screen resistor on the output tubes. Do I need them? Thank you for any help.