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British Style / Chupacabra 50 / Re: Van halen 1 sound(first album sound)
on: September 26, 2015, 02:54:21 PM
Hi Pitbull - I know this is an old post, but I got a Yeti 50 this past year and it's awesome - i'm still dialing it in, but I've heard VH clips and they're awesome! On YT search for VH tones. Hopefully someone can post settings for VH I tones - would love to see some. I'm running mine in HRP mode (ERA switch to right) with a DD-3 in the loop - and it's awesome, but maybe not VH 1.
Hope to hear from other users!
British Style / Chupacabra 50 / Re: Yeti Users?
on: September 05, 2015, 10:27:12 PM
Had my Yeti 50w for about 6 mos - it's a monster! I'd be interested in early Van Halen settings, if anyone's dialed them in. There's a great YT vid called VH Tones by Derek S, where he demos his 100w Chupa. It's the best VH Ceriatone clip I've seen.