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1  American Style / BF Champ, Vibro Champ / Re: Ceriatone Vibro Champ Fender style on: March 29, 2009, 05:13:15 PM
That looks really really nice good job ! Thanks for the faceplate suppliers name , i'll get one of those for my amp .
I've just received the same ceriatone kit .
Can i ask a favour  ? could you let me/us see your schematic for the tonestack bypass please ?

Thanks and sorry for the late reply. I made it very easy, just disconnect the cable at the Volume pot that comes from the Bass pot, instead let it go from the Bass pot to one of the lugs on the switch. Solder the 15K resistor to the middle lug on the switch and let a cable go back to the Volume pot. In the On position there is a connection between the Bass and Volume pot just as the original schema, in the Off position this connection is disconnected and the tone stack is "bypassed".

Take a look in this thread for some more discussion and improvement of this simple "bypass" mod I've done:


2  Website, Store / Ceriatone.com / Re: No More Parts for Sale on: March 29, 2009, 05:04:09 PM
Hi Nik

Me too has been very happy with the kit and complete amp I bought from you and your service is great! Always a quick response and very helpful So I really hope you continue with your kits even if it only will be complete ones in the future. I can agree with "tele caster" that if it's possible it would be great to still buy pack 1 kits, I live in Sweden so I could save some money on shipping costs to buy transformers locally but most importent is that I still can buy good and valueble kits from you in the future, still need at least an 18W clone  Smiley   
3  American Style / BF Champ, Vibro Champ / Ceriatone Vibro Champ Fender style on: December 09, 2008, 08:00:25 PM

Finally finished my VC project (over a year since I bought the kit from Nik....   Embarrassed). Inspired from a thread at the TDPRI (Telecaster) forum I decided to build it as a top with classic Fender Blackface style so I bought a face plate from Marsh amps. I didn't want to buy or build a new chassi so I made some maybe not so nice arrangements to fasten the faceplate but it's not visible so ....  Cool

It's all standard wiring except that I can bypass the tone stack with the on/off switch at the front, the power switch is instead placed at the back. With the tone stack bypassed it's much louder and get a more dirtier sound (more like a tweed champ). I use it with the speaker (Eminence 12') in my Ceriatone 5E3.

Great sounding amp! Works well with pedals and I love the tremolo, I use it all the time now.

More pics:
4  Community / Gear / Re: So...What other gear do you all have? on: March 31, 2008, 09:18:39 PM
Here is two pictures of my Telecaster project that I just finished, started over 5 years ago with a beaten up Squier Affinity that I wanted to look like a Custom -72 Tele.  Only the pick guard remains now. Swamp ash body (painted in nitro laquer by myself), neck from Hosokawa (japan), pickups from GFS.  Here it is together with my Ceriatone (of course) Tweed Deluxe.

5  Website, Store / Support / Re: can't get in... on: March 03, 2008, 09:22:31 PM
I have problems when I try to access Ceriatones site but only during the evening (Swedish time). When I try during daytime, mostly during the weekends, it works well.


6  American Style / 5E3 Tweed Deluxe / Re: 5E3 pics on: November 28, 2007, 06:37:34 PM
That's a real nice one Mcinku  Cool.   I like that wood.
7  American Style / 5E3 Tweed Deluxe / 5E3 pics on: November 22, 2007, 11:29:22 PM
Just finished with the tweed on the cab for my Deluxe so I thought I  share some pics.

It's a  5E3 built by Ceriatone, the cabinet was bought here in Sweden and I did the Tweed job, which I'm satisified with. Just need to mount the handle (waiting for it) then it's complete. 

It has a Eminence Legend 122 (the blue version) speaker.

8  American Style / 5E3 Tweed Deluxe / Re: Combocab dimensions on: November 14, 2007, 10:10:57 PM
Hi, this guy has some good plans for the 5E3 cabinet

9  Website, Store / Ceriatone.com / Re: Ceriatone Forums Up!!! on: November 06, 2007, 03:37:00 PM
Thanks for the forum, looks very good  Smiley. Swedish Ceriatone owner here (5E3 and soon a VC ).

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