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1  British Style / Plexi Lead, Bass, Superlead / Re: Skydog fans...anybody get one? 1986 50 watt bass head on: September 15, 2009, 05:25:33 PM
Hi grizztone! Could you by any chance take some photos of your amps circuit? As far as I know the Lead&Bass is a 1986 with a different NFB resistor and a bright cap on volume I (hence the lead). I'd really appreciate a pic of the circuit as I am very interested in this amp  Smiley
2  Website, Store / Suggestions / Re: Jubilee on: February 02, 2009, 06:23:47 PM
Wish granted people! Check the website and send in your orders for the new 2550!!!!!!!  Chair Dance
3  Custom amp building, Prototypes and other amps / SoundClips / Re: A soundclip using cranked Plexi 50 with PPIMV on: January 13, 2008, 10:32:13 AM
Another great clip man! Exactly what I was looking for. Tnx!   Grin
4  Custom amp building, Prototypes and other amps / SoundClips / Re: A soundclip using cranked Plexi 50 with PPIMV on: January 08, 2008, 02:00:21 PM
Dude! That was an awsome clip! Really liked the song AND the playing too! Can you record some more clips? I would really like to hear some more riffing without solos and without the pedals. Just some riffing with the amp volumes full up, and the PPIMV set to bedroom level!
BTW, what guitar did you use?

Keep on rockin'!

Miracle Man
5  Muchless / DC 30 / Re: DC-30 arrived today on: November 12, 2007, 04:03:18 PM
Congrats!  Grin We expect a detailed report!  Cool 
6  American Style / 5E3 Tweed Deluxe / Re: Is the 5e3 right for me? on: November 05, 2007, 02:38:46 PM
Thanks for all the info guys! Sounds like the perfect amp for me. I will mostly use it for recording and rarely in a band (i play in a punk-rock band---my marshalls handle that  Wink). I'm not worried about the cleans either. I usually just set the amp for an overdrive sound and clean up with the help of the guitars volume pot. Do they sound good with greenbacks? I have one of those Marshall 4x12 with greenbacks.

mcinku: je že kar nekaj Slovencev na forumu, kajne  Grin
7  Community / Chit Chat / Re: SPARTAAAAAAAA!!!!!! on: November 04, 2007, 07:08:21 PM

Sorry, but what's 300 man?



It's a movie Grin
8  American Style / 5E3 Tweed Deluxe / Is the 5e3 right for me? on: November 04, 2007, 06:38:00 PM
Hey guys! Help me out with my dilemma will you? I'm in the market for a fender clone and the 5e3 caught my eye. I know the cleans are great, although it doesn't have a lot of headroom. But what about the overdrive? I read somwhere that Billy Gibbons used these amps on some ZZ top tunes. Can I get a ZZ top sound with this amp (Lagrange, Jesus just left Chicago...)? Maybe with two 12AX7's in the preamp for more gain?

Cheers guys! Keep the forum alive!
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