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Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: HRM vs. HRM Mk. II
on: January 23, 2015, 04:59:32 AM
Not sure if you need the full wattage, but I have an OTS 20. I discussed it with Nik before purchasing as I am a Ford-tone junkie. He did a mod on the OD channel and it is exactly what I hoped to hear. I am sure that if you email him directly he can help you make the best choice. Just my take...the 20 handles a band situation pretty nicely and I soooo prefer carrying that head to the larger stuff. It's spoiling me and now when I have to carry a 40 or 50w combo...well...yuck. Anyway, if you need it, you need it...but definitely get in touch with Nik, he is awesome to work with! Good luck, these are AMAZING amps. I don't understand why they don't get more attention.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Reverb Pedal?
on: July 02, 2014, 06:51:30 PM
Hey All, I am new to this place and will be ordering an OTS Mini in a week or so. Basically looking for the Robben Ford-flavor tone from this amp, so...reverb, and maybe the occasional delay pedal. All of the Fenders that I currently play have reverb, so I'm going to need a pedal. I really don't wish to add a C-lator, and I know some pedals play more nicely with certain amps. So...can you recommend a reverb pedal that goes well with the OTS Mini? If it makes any difference...I will likely use a DRRI with WGS65 or a Blues Jr with a C Rex as the cab for now. If I can move my Custom Vibrolux Reverb...I'll get a dedicated cab. Thanks so much for your responses in advance.