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Website, Store / General / Re: why I hate "gurus"...
on: October 05, 2014, 04:50:45 PM
My first amp build was a 50 watt Yeti, I said go big or go home to this being my first amp! after a little trouble with it dew to my own ignorance. I have to say it is a beast and sounds amazing. It covers a lot of tunes and I will stand up or your product any day of the week. all the components in the kit are top notch, I belong to said forums and I do agree with you 100%..... I will defend you buddy!!
Thanks Nik
British Style / Chupacabra 50 / Re: Yeti Users?
on: September 19, 2014, 10:18:50 PM
I built a 50 watt Yeti, I was surprised how good it really sounds. It was my first amp build and wasn't to hard to build. lots of patience and take your time. I love the pleix mode bright switches all in the center excellent tone!
Website, Store / Support / Re: Yeti build
on: August 12, 2014, 10:19:07 PM
yes I would put 33K to 47K where the two 56k bias resistors are don't understand why they would use 56k there most marshall amps use 33k to 47k here. the wires on the power trans just tidy them up and zip tie them out of the way. keep all wires as shot as possible high gain amps have a lot of noise and it helps. I did use my variac for first power on slowly increase voltage 10v every hour till you reach 120v it is a good idea to do, it lets you see something arcs if somethings wrong so you don't fry your amp, turn the lights out when you do it so you can see sparks. Oh and I must stress!! drain filter cap and check that no voltage it present when working on amp after it has had power to it. It WILL KILL YOU!! here are more photos you may need so you can see the tidy wires!!
Website, Store / Support / Re: Yeti build
on: August 08, 2014, 06:00:25 PM
I should add that these are with Ceriatone's PT at Maylasian voltage. If your PT has a different HT voltage or spec'ed to a different load then you might see some proportional variances. If the HT is higher then expect all the plate voltages to be higher if you have not got them yet I would recomend classic tone tranformers you cant beat them for the money if you got the cash get the Marstran transfomers the voltage specs is for120v lead on power Tranformer here is the site to go to voltage chart for Cupa 50 voltage 120v it is same voltage as Yeti 50 go to bottom of page and choose the amp voltage you want to view Rock on dude!! Turd
Website, Store / Support / Re: Yeti build
on: August 08, 2014, 03:35:20 PM
anytime dude, let me know what you need! I also have the voltage specs somewhere you will need them to make sure your AC and DC voltage is correct with a multimeter.
Website, Store / Support / Re: Yeti build
on: July 26, 2014, 02:32:32 PM
The red and black special are the famous Jose Arredond that he was used on hot rod Marshalls and yes they go to B and C Black goes to B and Red goes to C
Website, Store / Support / Re: Yeti build
on: July 26, 2014, 02:26:21 PM
Also I recommend the 56K resistors the feed the bias pots need to be 33k 47k to get the bias up to where it needs to be. and use a heat sink on everything on board that you solder