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1  American Style / 5E3 Tweed Deluxe / 5X3 Sound & Headroom on: October 28, 2014, 07:22:04 PM
I gather from posts here and elsewhere that there are more differences between the 5X3 and 5E3 than volume alone. As I understand it there's much more headroom, the bottom tightens up, crisper top end and less pronounced mids. Not having the opportunity to here one in person before ordering makes the decision difficult for me. From that description it almost sounds like this amp heads towards black panel deluxe more than a tweed type sound and responsiveness. For what I'm doing right now that appeals to me, wondering if I'm reading more into it than there is though. Hoping someone people with 1st hand experience with this amp can let me know if I'm looking at this the wrong way or not. Thanks.
2  British Style / 20 Watt Lead, Bass / Re: Who has already built one on: December 24, 2013, 03:13:58 AM
Would it work well in a combo too?

I know that it would better to have the tubes hanging down, but the BluesBreaker didn't have and that amp didn't suck Smiley Any rattling problems?

Just asked Nik that question a few days ago, planning on doing it myself soon. He said it should be fine, blues breaker style, may just have to have the opening for the controls on the cab built to fit. Said he could provide the chassis dimensions to help make it work.

Edit: just noticed that quote was from '07. Guess we're both still wondering if anyone has tried this.
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