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Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Any tube collectors' views on what vintage tubes for a stock HRM amp?
on: November 19, 2010, 05:59:12 PM
Hi, Ive had a 50w HRM for about a year now and tried out lots of different tube combinations including NOS and I have settled on the following:
V1 NOS Brimar 12ax7, V2 NOS GE 5751, PI balanced JJ 12ax7 Power tubes are TAD 6l6 WGC
I found i preferred the Brimar to an old Mullard I tried and the 5751 really does smooth out the gain. Not experimented too much with the PI but the JJ seems ok, the TAD WGCs made a difference to the whole feel of the amp and I highly recommend them
Website, Store / / Re: Downgrade all parts to Asian made (aka are people really that blind?)
on: June 06, 2010, 09:48:02 PM
Ha! I get wound up by the crap i read on some forums about how Ceriatone amps cant possibly be any good cos you dont have to sell all your kidneys to be able to afford one!
Ceriatone amps work VERY well and the customer support is light years ahead of any other company i've dealt with anywhere, im not even sure Nik can be human, he certainly doesnt sleep. What happens if you email any other amp company??? Ive rarely even had a response when ive tried to contact them, which is why the only amps i will ever use now are Ceriatones. Anyone who knows about electronics will know that the parts are quality - Ive put hundreds of hours of playing through some of my amps and loaned them to pro musicians and ive never had a problem, also i like being able to change a cap or resistor here and there and see what happens without knocking a shed load off the value
Bottom line is, anyone who thinks Niks amps are no good is - WRONG and MISSING THE POINT! If you cant get them to sound good then YOU'RE the problem! Nik - Thanks!
Muchless / DC 30 / EF86 Channel Volume Problem
on: May 18, 2010, 08:38:01 PM
On the ef86 channel the volume goes from too quiet to too loud in a fraction of a pot movement and even when the pot is turned all the way down to zero there is still sound output Does anyone elses do this or has mine got something wrong? Would changing the value or taper of the pot give me more play on the low end volume wise?
Muchless / DC 30 / Re: Vp, Ik readings on your C-30? Just curious.
on: April 17, 2010, 04:44:02 PM
How did you get your screen grid voltage down?
Ive tried swapping the 100R resistors for 1k but it didnt seem to change the screen voltage much at all, im still getting 333V which is a bit too much for my liking
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Increasing 'Bloom'???
on: March 15, 2010, 11:08:21 PM
Do you mean you've balanced the trimmer itself, i.e resistance wise? You really want to measure the DC voltage on pin1 and 6 on the under side of the valve base if you're after a true reading
Muchless / DC 30 / gz32 rectifiers
on: March 10, 2010, 07:44:18 PM
Anyone know if it matters if i put in 2 gz32s/5v4s that are not matched?
Ive got an old RCA lying aound and a newish Harma Diamond, just want to make sure nothings gonna go bang...
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Increasing 'Bloom'???
on: March 10, 2010, 06:02:14 PM
You dont need an oscilloscope, you can tweak it by ear, you wont hurt the amp, just be careful where you put your fingers OR if you have a DMM take a reading between pin 1 and ground and pin 6 and ground on your phase inverter valve. Most people seem to like the tone when theres around 6 to 10 volts more on pin 1 than 6 - I find 10 perfect on my HRM
Muchless / DC 30 / Re: Creme Brulee no stand-by?
on: February 07, 2010, 09:57:14 AM
There isnt really much need for a standby on amps that use a GZ34 as a rectifier. The valve rectifier itself takes time to warm up so it doesnt put too much current onto the output valves until they are also warm enough to cope with it, think of it as a soft start! Actually standby switches on such amps tend to do more harm than good because they put such a sudden rush of power onto the valves. Never played a creme brulee but ive heard good things about them and yes it is the ef86 side of the dc-30 with less power, my dc-30 is blooody loud so less power is a handy thing
Muchless / DC 30 / Re: Voltages on the Pins
on: July 29, 2009, 06:06:58 PM
the connection where the heating wire from the transformer meets the tube heaters and bulb heaters. i'm pretty sure it was just dc volts.
Heater wiring is AC Voltage
Muchless / DC 30 / Re: Voltages on the Pins
on: July 29, 2009, 06:04:55 PM
Hi, I had exactly the same problem with my DC30 - Heaters running lower than 6V and red plating on the output valves, I just put in a pair of 82R cathode resistors which stopped the red plating but im still not happy with the low heater voltage. What other wiring did you have to move? Where is the 0V grey wire from the PT going now? I wanna try this out
Ceriatone / Overtone / HRM Plate voltage
on: July 04, 2009, 12:22:02 PM
Just got my HRM50 up and running, did some measuring and ive got 490V B+ seems a bit high. My wall voltage is 244V. Anyone got any ideas how to drop this a bit or is this ok? Im running JJ 6l6s biased at 34ma