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British Style / JCM 800 2203, 2204, 2550, 2555 / Re: New Ceriatone user/2555 owner
on: February 24, 2013, 01:38:55 AM
I was in the same boat as you about a month ago. Used to have a jcm 800 back in the day, was looking mainly for one of those and came across the 2550 (50 watt version of your head).
I took that bad boy home, plugged into my 4x12 and was blow away as well. Top notch build, top notch tone. I have basically been playing it straight into the head, no pedals at all and have been completely amazed. Mine actually has a second master lead (foot switchable) which is cool.
What I find amazing is how responsive my guitar vol/tone comes into play, I can get a range from crunch to balls out gain with a roll of my volume...and the amp is more sensitive to it than any other I've owned - marshalls, jet city, fender, peavey's, etc
Congrats on the purchase, I've found myself playing a lot more lately! I've been looking at their yeti or chupacabra amps...both sound bas ass..check out youtube
British Style / JCM 800 2203, 2204, 2550, 2555 / Re: new 2550 owner
on: February 16, 2013, 02:28:36 PM
Thanks Tone.
I found the layout on their website, i see that 'footswitch' thing is actually the bias pot - mystery solved on that.
Looks like the rhythm clip may tweak the preamp stage somehow...
anyway, great amp though, kicks ass
British Style / JCM 800 2203, 2204, 2550, 2555 / new 2550 owner
on: February 16, 2013, 02:40:14 AM
hi all, maybe some seasoned 2550 users can help me here.
Just picked up a used (in most excellent shape) 2550. Thing is, I have no idea what the heck I'm doing here. I've dialed in some good tones for sure but kinda confused on what exactly output mater, lead master and output gain all do, seems each channel they have different functions.
- It looks like there's a foot switch inside on the top of the chassis...what the heck does that do.
- Rhythm clip..I can hear what it does but what is it doing under the hood and what scenario is it best used in?
thanks in advance!