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1  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Should a fender based circuit "amp of the gods" not sound awesome? on: February 04, 2013, 06:17:07 PM
And.... i woke up.
You hear what you want to hear.
And i put it next to 3 blackface amps.

It is imho very possible 1000+ buyers are t h e dumbest mofo's getting dooped by a guy that implemented highgrade behavioural psychology to sell pipedream amps
2  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Should a fender based circuit "amp of the gods" not sound awesome? on: February 04, 2013, 06:12:04 PM
I refer you to your previous post.....


What has changed?

Different amp
3  Ceriatone / Overtone / Should a fender based circuit "amp of the gods" not sound awesome? on: February 01, 2013, 10:41:03 AM
Cuz mine sure don't... Angry
OTS 50 S&M
After tubeswap (s) , rebias, speaker upgrades to all the 'instant magic' it still sounds shit and gets laffd at by any of my blackface fender amps.

4  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Fuzzy OD Sound on: January 28, 2013, 10:45:08 AM
Tubes: put a 12ax7 in v1.
The 12ay7 has a estimated 40X amplification. A 12ax7(ecc83)  has 100x.  The voltages at plates of a 12ay7 might be completely different and can have the opposite effect by clipping earlier due to shifting plate voltages. Best is to use the tubes it was designed for.
Sorry, it is too long tech talk to go any further into this subject here.

For heater wires etc. I recommend you go to a local tech.

Man after i see You in March to go over my amp and IF You can Pach that thing up into something that can sound decent I WILL pick up a study in electrical engineering. Am so tired of standing still with my hand strapped behind my back getting B*ttf*cked for a few bills for a biasjob and retube

*No offence tho! nothing against TECHS in general... only the ones i have met.  Grin
5  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Fuzzy OD Sound on: January 28, 2013, 07:33:37 AM
Might be tubes.

I have a similar problem, a aenemic sounding OTS that only sounds right attenuated to a whisper level. And even then it sounds like *SHIT* to me.
Switches are UNUSABLE, PAB wtf is that schrill shit sound that it makes.

F.Y.I. i have never experiënced a CORRECT working OTS
related: someone has put EHX tubes and unbranded Output Tubes in mine.

It's driving me nuts! This AMP was supposed to be Valhallen but as it stands the DUMBLE imitation my VOX vt50 does sounds Waaaayyy better to my ears
6  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips on: January 17, 2013, 03:34:34 PM
it's early, it's short but it's a sweet one. HEAVILY attenuated as this be my livingroom (look at the Klein) and master was on 3 or something lowlow like that. First shot after some serious removal of solder beads and a tubeswap to something more respectfull of the circuit design.
Amps is 2008 STOCK OTS S&M 50 - on a 410 1965B w. celestion G10-L35 and has just a splash of TUBE reverb on it

Amp still has 'some' issues but slowly but gradually IS getting there...
No i did not BUILD the amp.

7  Ceriatone / Overtone / Diamond Grillcloth and Dumble tophat knobs!!! on: January 17, 2013, 10:36:43 AM
Hi All,

I am relatively new here and new to D-style ampage, but as now (after some minor startup problems) PROUD Owner of a 2008 S&M Overtone Special by Ceriatone now VERY happy.
However, i'd like my amp to LOOK a bit more Dumble to throw off any doubters! Of course the Ceriatone name WILL REMAIN on my amp but i have decided i will modify it's looks to be more Dumble

So, for all descerning players who'd like to do the same, here's the LINKS where i sourced the Tophats and VOX diamond grillcloth  Chair Dance



Grillcloth ici---->http://www.tonefactory.nl/shop2/grillcloth-black-diamond-ac30-p-11495.html

Dumble Tophat knobs ici---->http://www.banzaimusic.com/Dial-knob-DKN-113-ARR.html

8  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Boxy PAB? Ineffective tone controls? I've found the design flaw! on: January 16, 2013, 04:10:34 PM
Hi there tone lovers,

Once again:
Low slope resistor (not very low though!). Fat sounding Bluesmaster has 47k but there is a  0,02mf after it which cuts down to much bass in comparison to 0,1mf on OTS.
68k slope on OTS is MY PERSONAL favourite which introduces little bit more bass and low mids but most importantly adds natural clean compression to the first tube, so clean gets so called CHIRP and singing quality. I’m a very light touch player and I use very thick pick 3mm Stubby. Compressed clean sound allows me to have less drive on OD trimmer which is kind of clean but fat singing, bloomy, touch sensitive drive tone which does not need PAB to sound great.
In short lower slope resistance and less or no  capacitance on NFB gives me more TWEED tone enhanced in high frequencies with higher capacitor value on the clean volume pot. Personally I always prefer TWEED to Blackface, more correctly tweed fatness with blackface glassy tone added.

Mr. Fabulous is right in case that higher slope resistor gives you more clean, less fat non compressed (more classic blackface) tone and I’m sure many players love this tone but not me. I like rubbery, spongy, fat, wet, syrupy, singing clean and drive tone.

But I totally agree!   Tone is very individual and you have to try to find the best for yourself, tone which makes you play and feel better.

I love my amps. No D-lator in the loop !!! just Digitech RP200


WOW!!! This OTS sounds amazing!!! IS that just the result of changing out 1 resistor?

I have a stock S&M OTS50 - what would i need to change to make it sound like Your blue one?!
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