Hiya Todd
Thanks for your time mate, much appreciated.
To business:
- Found a pair of tubes that match so amp now biased to V4 = 34.9mV and V5 to 35.1mV.
- Had no idea that the PAB "on" would bypass the TMB controls. Controls work fine with PAB "off"
- Footswitch works fine but I cant say the same for my brain!! I'm not sure if it's because of the better matched valves or because I'd not read the manual properly
, but I'm now getting some overdrive. Not quite as much as I thought there would be but I only got there late last night so haven't really had time to try and tweak it to get a good understanding of what's there. If its still not enough to suit my heavier tastes, I might start looking for ways to increase the overdrive.
- Relays are installed correctly (I think). Couldn't see from the schematic so hunted through tons of photos on the forum and Ceriatone site till I found a picture showing the orientation. There's a picture attached so if you could confirm, I'd appreciate it.
So, 2 down, 1 to go. I've still got the irritating "earth" buzz on the amp. As you'll see from the state of the wiring on the pictures, I've been "chopsticking" for hours trying to find this noise with no luck. I've sent a lot of pictures but if theres anything more specific you would like to take a look at, please let me know and I'll get them posted.