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1  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Bring back the Overtone on: November 07, 2007, 08:09:50 PM
Stop being so sensible Chuck!!   Btw, how is the Ulbrick amp?

C´mon B+55... let´s not bring that kind of discussion over here too...


I second that sentiment. REGARDLESS of how everybody feels, enough has been said on both sides of the fence (if there even is one) to last a lifetime.
Forums have been locked, (and now thankfully open again) members on both sides have had their collective pee pee`s whacked by numerous moderators, and now that the dust has settled and decisions have been made, it`s time to accept those decisions for now and move on.

2  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Bring back the Overtone on: November 07, 2007, 01:00:31 PM
B+, this is the kind of post that starts all the trouble.    Nik has made it clear that there would be NO Ceriatone Overtone if not for the many years of research and development by the very "overpriced cloners" you mention.    Nobody is threatened.   I have a personal relationship with all of these guys and talk to them on a regular basis.    I assure you there is no problem.   The problem is posts like yours.    Although not your intention, it  incorrectly assumes the motivations for a good part of what created the flak and insults the pioneers whose shoulders Nik is standing on.  Maybe Nik will chime in.... 

Furthermore, nobody has compared an Overtone to any of the clones or the real deal.   So any quality and/or tone comparisons cannot possibily be made until after somebody gets one AND compares it.     There is a lot of intricacies to building and tuning these.   More so than any other Ceriatone.    That is why there are forums like Ampgarage.    Nik admittedly used the research posted by an associate of one of the "ripoff" builders to design the Overtone!!   Kind of hypocritical to slam here then..... Nik would never do that.

Charging about three thousand for an American made amp with 30 plus hours of labor in it, full warranty, thicker higher grade aluminum chassis, and high quality American made trannies, is not a ripoff.     It is more than a Ceriatone, but they are much different in many areas.   To some it is worth it.   Factor in the cost of the R&D, insurance, cost of USA labor, etc, you can see nobody is getting rich making these.     

Ceriatone is certainly a good value alternative but it is apples to oranges at the moment.   Please try and not be insulting to the other builders.   Without them, there would be no Ceriatone Overtone.     There is room for everybody and nobody has forced or threatened Niks hand in any way.    If he feels liek offering an Overtone model, prebuilt, that is his decision.    He has to decide whether it is profitable at his price point given the several days construction time....


Well there are many clones of all these beloved amps that are made by small boutique amp builders  that I won't mention here. These individuals are very threatened by Nik's amps, because they are high quality and very affordable. He also demystifies the ridiculous hype that these amps have by offering them quickly and with high quality.

These amp guys really get upset when someone is competing with them on a design, that they themselves have borrowed. Huh?

Funny thing, if Nik charged the outrageous prices that the other cloners do, then there would be no issue, but the fact that Nik offers a great product for a great price, really threatens these builders.

I build and design tube amps for myself, and sell them occasionally to friends and others. And I know the costs involved.

Anyway, Nik if your reading this, build away forget the naysayers, keep up the great work! Grin
3  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Apology to you guys and Nik on: November 02, 2007, 05:40:00 PM
Al, not for nothing, but I heard the discontinuation may have been due to "overwhleming demand."     I don't think it was because of any flak.    Look at the Expression.   10X the flak but available.     This circuit takes a really long time to build.   Nothing like a Wreck.

I hope that is the case because it would suck for a lot of guys if Nik decides to not offer the amp.  Especially since I don't see anymore negativity.


I do appreciate all the effort you and many others have made on the amp building scene. Really. I am being sincere (and I am user at the Ampgarage forum too). The amount of info there concerning the Trainwrecks and Dumbles is priceless..

I really wished none of this happened... because in my eyes... everybody lost... me (and many others) as a potential buyer of an affordable Dumble clone.... Nik and Ceriatone... and also the Ampgarage forum and people.

I hope all these "sour feelings" can be layed to rest... nobody needs it. 

I´ll second what "Weathered" wrote and just add, like the Beatles once sung: "All we need is tone" (mmmmm.. maybe that´s not 100% right.. but anyway you get the point Cheesy )...

4  Ceriatone / Overtone / Apology to you guys and Nik on: November 02, 2007, 04:50:34 PM
Hi guys,

As some of you may know, I was one of the ones that posted negative things regarding Nik's ODS amp.

I wanted to apologize for lots of misunderstanding and point out what the real issue was, at least for me (and I was a main troublemaker).

In a nutshell, a lot of guys on TGP were saying very negative things about the other builders of this type of amp.     I was trying to stick up for them by pointing out that Nik used info from Ampgarage, actually posted at the request of someone affiliated with one of the companies that were being insulted.    In hindsight, I should have stayed out.

In the end, I do apologize to Nik for associating him with this behaviour, even though he had nothing to do with it.

Now, onto the positives.    You guys should check out Ampgarage if you either get a kit or a build from Nik.    The guys there are extremely knowledgeable and always helpful.

In the end, everyone is just after good tone and fun playing.

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