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Website, Store / General / Re: Experimenting w/Tubes in JTM-45??
on: November 28, 2012, 01:27:17 AM
EL34's would be a curiosity mostly- The statement i made about Jeff Beck's sound was sort of stupid, I know his specific sound is 90% because of his style but that foundation tone is one I would like to try- later- some day- like after I learn a lot more about amps-
Website, Store / General / Re: Experimenting w/Tubes in JTM-45??
on: November 27, 2012, 04:57:33 AM
Hello, thanks- Speakers? start off probably a 2x12 of some sort- I think I will try Celestion speakers, I was thinking about trying basic 25Watt greenbacks in a closed cab- then later I want to get a Marshall 4x12 (1960AX) with the 25W greenbacks, I cannot afford a vintage cab, something current but not brand new. Probably a 2x12 to start off because I am broke now that I bought the amp!
WHat speaker would you use in a 2x12 closed or open? I liek the tones of Jeff Beck, Larry Carlton, Steve Morse...and of course, Jimi Hendrix;-) I am old but I still like it loud.
I know the KT66 is the real tube for a JTM and that is how the amp will be for a long time, some day I will want to experiment just because I am a big Jeff Beck fan and I read an article where his amp tech said he changed his JTM tubes to EL34's so I was thinking about trying that....some day;-) not in a hurry anyway- I am sure I will be happy with the other amp is only a BillM modified Blues Junior so this will be a big upgrade.-
British Style / JTM 45, 50 / Re: JTM 45 tube choices
on: November 26, 2012, 05:41:42 AM
hmm, I did not know the Ceriatone JTM-45 had a Master Volume as mentioned in you rpost-
ahh,,,it's an old post- but was there a JTM-45 with a master volume?
Website, Store / General / Experimenting w/Tubes in JTM-45??
on: November 26, 2012, 05:33:35 AM
Hello, I just bought my 1st Ceriatone (JTM-45), have not received it yet but was wondering if and how I may experiment with different tubes? Is that going to be possible? I have used Marshall amps w/EL34 tubes and really liked the sounds I was able to get, I have used 6L6 is other amps (old Bassman) and liked that as well- I was just wondering if I will be able to experiment once I get my JTM-45 amp that will come stock w/KT66 tubes. I am not an EE, or an amp tech so I do not know how one would change bias on this amp. I am just a guitar player that was not willing to spend 1600 bucks for a Marshall JTM-45 reissue when I could get a much better amp for under 1000;-)