Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Just got my Overtone - couple questions
on: March 14, 2008, 06:13:51 AM
- No manual. - Red light is OD, Green is PAB - Boost is not adjustable... but there are some mods possible to change things here - Yes boost is on both CH - well mine works like this... for boost when is on pedal (switch) you can only use pedal to switch on/off, if you switch to manual the boost is on all the time for the OD when the switch is on pedal you can use switch for on/off but without the footswitch when in pedal, the OD is ON and when manual the clean CH is ON something like that
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Just ordered my Overtone.
on: March 13, 2008, 12:03:10 PM
My od trimmer was at 11:00, I had to keep the level set at 1 1/2. I backed the trimmer down to 9 and then raised it back up to 10:00. Just that small amount made a difference, now I can get the same amount of drive with the level set on 3. It's not as touchy.
...and where is your "Ratio" at?
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Just ordered my Overtone.
on: March 13, 2008, 08:26:04 AM
Agreed about the clean channel, it's wonderful and the boost makes it that much more.
I'm going in to adjust the od trimmer. Mine is HOT! I can get all the od I want with it set at 1 1/2. I'd prefer it if the tone I'm getting on 1/12 was the same as at 4 that way I could tweek down a hair. I'll report back on what I learn.
I'll say it again, Nik, this is a great amp!
Regarding Fendrish clean... yesterday I wasn't sure but now I am... I can finally say my lust for Twin has ended right here. Yesterday, my friend brought his SF Twin for the test and man, this amp can do that sound very well, way better than my DRRI ever could... I'm all thrilled about that Yes, let us know what will happen with that trimmer.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Just ordered my Overtone.
on: March 13, 2008, 08:21:15 AM
If I can see my way into one of these, Combo will be my way to go, will be watching on speaker selctions from you guys too. Glad I found this forum. Great info and folks here
Just for the record... I already have a speaker for this amp. I ordered it even before I heard the amp. It seems to be the right choice for most players. Celestion G12-65 ...although I'm playing through my old Greenback now and man, I think I like that speaker for this amp as well... but 25W is not big enough I guess.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Just ordered my Overtone.
on: March 12, 2008, 06:51:26 AM
SO mcinku, what's the verdict?
I'm liking mine.
Well I only had an hour with mine. Today I have a major date with these amps and I have a friend coming too. ...anyway what I can say for sure is, these amps worth every penny for the clean channel only. Very Fendrish sounding, just the way I like it. I was surprised to see how I was able to set the tone I like very quickly. I think thats a sign of a good amp. I'm not really an OD guy, so I had no issues with setting a slight OD tone I liked. I did notice slight loss of bass and increase of the hi-end while using OD, but that didn't spoil anything. It wasn't harsh and I was playing my strat with gold lace sensors. I was using my Greenback speaker and I was not playing very loudly (home volume). If this turns out to be an issue for me, I already know what to tweak... I did my homework ...but first I must build my cab and see how it works with my new G12-65 speaker. I also noticed that this amp sounds better if the master it opened (let say around 7-8) and clean ch. volume is down. I think it sounds fuller this way. I also like to set the ratio OD control very low, so when you hit the OD button you notice just a slight boost in volume. It feels like an extension of the clean ch. with a slight grit and more sustain. If you want to know how I feel about this amp... let just say
American Style / 5E3 Tweed Deluxe / Re: Is the 5e3 right for me?
on: March 11, 2008, 10:20:14 AM
Howdy Folks, New to this forum, I have been scoping Ceriatones for bout six months now, The 5E3 was and is one of the first I looked at. Since I primarly play blues and blues based rock, My main guitars are Les Pauls with handwound pickups and vintage wiring with Sprague PIO Caps, Though I have 2 MIJ Squire Strats as well. My local amp guru helped assemble a 18watt TMB into a cab, and said the tones were so outrageously sweet. What I wish to attain from Niks 5E3 is some sweet brownsound to some nasty blues overtones at the 7 -15 watt range, as the Blues places I jam at, this is about the volumes acceptable, Suggestions, am I barkin up the wrong tree?
I think you found your tree.
Custom amp building, Prototypes and other amps / Mods and Tweaks / Re: Overtone Tweaking
on: March 05, 2008, 09:10:59 PM
When I get mine (within a day or two ), I'm sure not going to start messing with it right away. This is my first D style amp, so I have to learn how it responds to my playing and what it can do actually... and only then (maybe) I'll have a clue what I want to change... only then I'll start thinking about the tweaks. ...meaning, I'll give it a month and then we'll see