1) 15Pf cap on master pot 2) 270Pf cap and 220k resistor between poweramp input and preamp output.
1. Bigger cap on the master pot will make your amp overall brighter. 2. Are you talking about the loop network? If yes, you can take those away... your sound will stay the same. Don't worry about it.
With my OTS build I took it to my tech to power it up and check all the voltages. I didn't want to risk blowing anything serious. Worth it for peace of mind.
Have fun. Much more rewarding that just buying one!
I think I will do the same,... if I can resist the urge to power it right after last solder is done.
I'm getting desperate. I want to order another amp, its either a DC-30 or this SE and every week I wait the UKĀ£ sinks further into the mire.
And then theres the talk of a 36watt/plexi hybrid! That sounds very very tempting.
I know what you mean. It looks like a happy hour for the amps is dying slowly. A month ago, I ordered a TW Expression and that was the last train for me, no more amps for me. In a way I'm glad, 'cause at least I won't be tempted that easily anymore.
1.plug your guitar in the OTS amp, put a cable in the send and wire the signal from the send to an other amps fx-loop. Power-amp is then bypassed. 2. Bypass the pre-amp by putting a signal in the return of the OTS.
Just want to say that a test like that can make ground loop hum even worse. So you might want to consider lifting a ground, on one device while doing this.
I'm still waiting for my filter caps and when I get those, I will open my amp to do this. I just ordered another amp from Nik and caps are coming in the same box.
Well I didn't do any scientific research, I only compared two OTS amps one, with Ceriatone transformers (my amp) and one with Made in SLO transformers... like used in these HiFi amps...
... and to be honest I couldn't say the difference was that big... all I can say, I could hear the difference but my amp was already burned in, the other one was brand new... and it was really impossible to say, that transformers were the ones which caused that difference. Bottom line... both transformers passed my "personal" test and I wouldn't lose any sleep over this.
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