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Website, Store / Suggestions / Combo cabs , like fender BF style cabs
on: May 13, 2009, 09:41:24 PM
After looking through all of Nik's available combo cabs, I wish he made more that were like the OTS.
Where the chassis is hanging and the back plate is accessible.
Reason being, I very much prefer to have the power plug removable instead of storing it inside the speaker cab. I'm in Malaysia and I've seen a few speakers ripped cause the huge 3 pin plugs we have get wedged in the cone and tore it.
Also, its much more convenient to have the controls on the front rather than top, especially if the amp is placed on a stand at body level during jams etc, its much easier to tweak the knobs.
I know this isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I hope Nik can take into consideration this option.
British Style / JTM 45, 50 / Re: RMS / Peak output of JTM45
on: March 17, 2009, 05:06:36 PM
Hi guys, thanks.
I use weber speakers currently.
I haven't dimed it because I didn't have to for venue purposes.
But the speakers from weber are rated 30W each, 2x12 , 60W power handling total.
Based on weber's input, he mentioned there wouldn't be an issue as his speakers rated at 30W can handle 50W each.
Website, Store / General / Any chance a THD hotplate or Weber Mass can blow a ceriatone OT?
on: December 05, 2008, 01:09:01 PM
I'd need to get an attenuator or 2 to turn up my ceriatones.
I have an 18W, JTM45 and DC30, but can't practice without blowing a few ear drums.
I considered getting an isocab made, but that's going to take quite a bit of space, and also getting mics + mic pres + headphones will possibly cost as much as getting a weber mass and shipping it over to malaysia.
Any has experience running a weber mass on their ceriatone OTs? Any possibility of ruining them?
Thanks in advance.
British Style / JTM 45, 50 / RMS / Peak output of JTM45
on: November 05, 2008, 08:55:46 AM
Based on Nik's amps, what are the peak and RMS output of the JTM45 (KT66) and JTM50 (EL34)?
Will 60W handling power of speakers be enough to crank the JTM45 to max volume?
Also, will jumping the channels have any effect on output?