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Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Eminence Swamp Thang & Texas Heat combined in 2x12" for HRM BM 100??
on: May 19, 2012, 04:29:57 PM
I don't think its possible to give a definitive answer unless someone has used that specific combination. I put a Tonespotter and a Texas Heat in the cab I built for a mate and compared with my EV and Red Fang was complete pants. Thin and brittle sounding. Not sure which of the two would be the culprit but I now suspect both of them.
There have been some cheapish EV's s/h on eBay UK recently so if I were you I'd be patieint and try and get one, then do similarly for Gold. You can always shift them if they don't suit. But the biggest problem will be, unless you have two cabs to A/B combinations you are going to struggle to do realistic comparions.
Ceriatone / SSS / Re: SSS - indication of interest
on: April 11, 2012, 09:39:50 PM
THnaks a lot.
Does the half power just cut two tubes? Or is there a B+ drop?
I would hope its not Pentode/triode:)
How does it perform at low volumes? The biggest problem with my OTS is that the clean is quite stiff at low volumes. Up at around 6-7 and its lovely with a strat with Fralins, breaking up quite a lot with a H/B.
Ceriatone / SSS / Re: SSS - indication of interest
on: April 11, 2012, 08:39:22 AM
Sonicmojo, talk us through the amp please. Is is a very big clean amp with a FET for a boost?
What does the filter section do? What does it sound like a low volumes? Do you find you have to dial the clean to get the FET to sound good? or does the filter section switch in and out with the FET? OR can you have lovely sparkly bright cleans and a real woody driven tone?
Community / Classifieds / Re: Head Cabs for Ceriatone Overtone Special and HRM
on: March 31, 2012, 04:18:05 PM
Still after a head shell Adrian? I've still got my head shell that you were interested in a couple of years back.I seem to recall you weren't keen on the grille cloth In two minds about selling especially as Nik has restarted selling kits, I might have to get another one!! I'm in the process of building some oversize 2x12 cabs like this one under the Z. Interested? I have an order for one, another tentative and I'm building 3 altogether. 18mm birch ply, dovetailed joints, 15mm birch baffle, oval rear port.
British Style / Plexi Lead, Bass, Superlead / Re: New Ceriatone Logo (Revive a Thread)
on: February 27, 2012, 09:35:56 AM
Kind words Indy thanks.
I'm not a cab maker, in fact I am a stained glass maker by trade, thats how I was able to do the logo, its a very special handmade glass, called flashed glass, with a thin layer of intense colour on a pale base glass. We use a vinyl mask and HF acid to dissolve the thin layer away.
I currently have that same amp in a combo, made in the same style with a red on pale blue logo. Lighting it is a bit of a lash up with high power led's angled from various places to get around the problem of the trannies being in the way.
Website, Store / General / Re: Best quiet amp? lower-wattage clean amps, that don't go flubby on the bass?
on: February 27, 2012, 09:25:33 AM
I am in the same situation. I love the feel of my OTS,1987 and EZG50 wound up but they are way too loud. I was waiting on ampmaker putting up some demos of the Double Six kit as this seemed like a really good basis for a D style preamp. Barry has taken the kit sales down again now pending his business move so I'm in limbo.
I really do wish Nik would get back onto the low power SE thing again. Low power is all the rage now what with the new 1watt Marshalls just coming out, he needs to think hard about it.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: EVM 12L Classic Speaker Question
on: December 20, 2011, 10:24:21 AM
Btw Has everyone here heard of the doughnut-shaped beam blockers?
Yes indeed. I have them installed in 2 cabs and 2 combos. Cheap enough to 'suck it and see'. Just make sure if usingthe spray contact adhesive to let is dry a bit before attaching to the grille, that way if you wan to remove it it won't leave lots of foam bits sticking to the back of the grille.