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Website, Store / Suggestions / Re: Something like the Orange TT??
on: January 30, 2011, 09:47:36 PM
I think you'd have a lot of interest in this - personally I think you should go for the metal cage type cabinet too as it's pretty easy to fit etc and looks cool!!
Are you thinking something with a Brit or USA voicing?
A TT sized 6L6 amp would get my vote at the price you're talking about..!!
Tw Clones / Rock It! / How many watts?
on: October 07, 2010, 11:46:05 AM
Please could someone tell me roughly how many watts this amp is?
And how loud is it before it starts to overdrive?
Website, Store / Suggestions / Re: Reverb Unit
on: September 12, 2010, 09:58:20 AM
Well I emailed Nik asking him about a reverb unit among other things and his response was that it is something he'd like to look at, time permitting.
Basically, if I'm understanding that right, it comes down to how much time is taken up with everything else that he needs to do and he just doesn't have as much time for new projects at the moment.
Website, Store / Suggestions / Reverb Unit
on: September 04, 2010, 01:07:48 PM
Hi Nik,
You build quite a few amp with effects loops, so how about a tube driven reverb unit to work in there, would be the killer addition to the OTS!!
American Style / PrinzeTone / Re: Big muscles Prinzetone build....
on: September 04, 2010, 01:06:20 PM
Do you have any plans to release a 6L6 version of this amp?
I'm probably going to pull the trigger on some more gear later this year and a 6L6 version of these would be great for an amp head that I could just stick int he boot of my car to take to jam sessions when I don't want to be dragging a big amp and when I know there's going to be a speaker cab available...