Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Size matters!
on: September 04, 2009, 09:03:10 AM
As always - great playing!!
I hear the difference. The 2x12 is more boomy, which is probably fine for live playing.
I would defenitely cut that extra low out (with a 100Hz-150Hz high pass), when mixing that 2x12 guitar sound into a track with bass and drums.
So FWIW the 1x12 makes more sence in a studio setup, IMO.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Kleinulator/Dumbleator
on: September 02, 2009, 03:06:26 PM
Hi Guys Like most of us I'm constantly thinking about my guitar sound. I have a few days of and I was a/b testing with and without my my Klein. I came to the conclusion that the Klein takes away some of the high end mellows the sound, but somehow also levels the sound and takes away some of the characteristics of my instruments. Might also be caused by the added cables and fx. Not quite sure. I use an Intellifex which doesn't need an fx loop and a Dynacord cls222 leslie which does need the Klein fx loop. I was thinking why not have the Dynacord moddified a bit so it works with the fx send and return of the Ceriatone. This way I would loose the Klein. Share you views please cheers Steven
Build yourself a real dumblator Is your klein a DIY ?, if so then remove the 220p at the input of the 'send' FET and Use either of the above alternatives in parallel instead of in series.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Russian Radio
on: September 02, 2009, 03:01:47 PM
Is it because of the Sovteks I',m getting Russian radio on my OTS? seriously. what causes this? can it be avoided? The OTS is a high gain amp which easily picks up the powerfull russian radio station Put a ferrite core (about the diameter of a cent) and put it around the input wire, near the input jack. And/or put a 10pf capacitor across the input 1M resistor.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: How long do you let your OTS warm up before playing?
on: September 02, 2009, 07:48:19 AM
Yeah, it really does sound just like you described; great some days and not-so-great on others. It dives me a bit nuts. I also feel like the more times I turn it on and off during a day, the less great it gets. For the record: when my head and/or ears think it's great, it's GREAT! I still don't know what to make of it but I figure most of the responses will be along the same lines as yours is.
Well, you've said it yourself "I also feel like the more times I turn it on and off during a day, the less great it gets" - yes, you get 'dog ears' from playing all day long. Everyone, who haved tried mixing a track - home or in a studio - know that if you spend 8 hours on a mix, the next day you will have to 'undo' the last 4 hours (of the 8 hours spend). The longer you listen, the worse it gets. Nothing new. Same with painters, who state that it is within the first minute, of entering their (painting) studio, that they can actually 'see' their paintings as they are. So they need to work fast if they want to correct something in a painting. It is almost the same with guitar amp tweaking, you have to judge the sound with 'fresh ears' or else you are just getting farther and farther away from good sound.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: How long do you let your OTS warm up before playing?
on: September 02, 2009, 05:30:15 AM
No, not at all. You can't 'overheat' your amp, by letting it warm up in stand-by mode. However, the psykological/emotional element should not be underestimated, when it comes to guitars, amp and sound. What sounded great, clear an focused one day, may seem cold and lifeless the next day. Thats how it is.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: I could use a little more help
on: September 01, 2009, 08:14:30 PM
I do the power amp In test and recheck my wiring tonight when I get home.
I already checked for continuity from input to V1 pin one and it looks good for both input and FET input. I plugged in a cable and read it from cable to pin one.
Pin one?? you mean pin 2, right?
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: I could use a little more help
on: September 01, 2009, 11:18:37 AM
Djroge1, You are close to getting the amp to work now. When it does, you might want to move the yellow (cathode) and red (plate) wires close to each other. This has a major impact on the notes 'blooming' when you play. Kind of a compressor effect that is part of the signature sound of the Dumble amps. Looking forward to you getting some sounds thorough!
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: I could use a little more help
on: August 30, 2009, 08:05:06 AM
441v on your Phase Inverter cathode is bad stuff, thats normally a voltage reading for the plates at the powertubes. * make sure your tube at v3 is OK, replace it, check fuses(measure them) *Is your wiring at the dropping string correct? *Check with amp off: the resitance between the 110k PI resistor to V3 pin 3, the resistance between 100k PI resistor to v3 pin 3. *What is the resistance of the -supposed to be- 22k resistor in the dropping string, please measure it(with amp off, of course). *Is your Output Transformer ok?: measure resistance between a primary lead and a secondary lead(amp off). *Check your wiring for the presence control;is it accidently on the primary side of the Output Tranny? I re-soldered that point and it remained the same. New problem... I was checking voltages in some other locations to see if they were the same V1 pin 1 - 10 V2 pin 2 - 30 V3 Pin 3 441... then suddenly there was a blue spark and the volts dropped down to 60. I think something broke... (blew up) because now it's completely dead and there is no reading. Any suggestions on where to buy a new transformer that will work? I live in the states. I made a mistake in giving you information. the 441v was on V4 NOT V3. The spark was where I had my probe. I think I may have made an arc - like when you weld to get the weld started? The only charring I've found so far is on the fuse and there was no smoke or burning smell when it sparked. I'm not sure which one is the 110k PI resistor to V3 pin 3 - I know where that pin is, but I don't see a 110k or 100k resistor. As for the PT and measuring... I putting one lead on the 120v (on/off switch) and tried reading on the rectifier board - nothing. I tried again on the switch relay board - nothing. It's late and I'm tired and I need to think with a clear head tomorrow. I know the frustration from my own building process, but your amp will get up and running, so don't worry too much about it.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: I could use a little more help
on: August 29, 2009, 09:11:57 PM
Yes that spot has been soldered.
In fact, it is the connection just before that spot with the 22k 2w where I loose voltage. On the side towards the PT that connection reads 386. on the other side of that it reads 54 and is low from there on out going on to the L & M connection point.
Try to solder it again!