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Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Which do I choose??????
on: September 15, 2008, 02:51:52 AM
2x12 with a celestion vintage 30 and a celestion g12h30
I have the avatar cab with the combo you described. It is simply incredible! It was recommended to me by another poster here. I can't imagine it sounding any better. That pair sounds really good together and the AVATAR quality and price is really good on it. I haven't heard the oft used 1265s except on sound clips so I can't compare but the one who recommended the avatar combo has 1265s too. He recommends the Avatar mix over it. He said it sounds better with a strat than the 1265s, LP types are about the same he said. I know it sounds great with mine
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: not really impressed...yet
on: September 10, 2008, 10:50:10 PM
I have a great AVATAR cab that has 2x12 Celestions. A Vintage 30 and 12H30 combo. I think that is part of my satisfaction with my tone. I wouldn't change a thing.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: not really impressed...yet
on: September 10, 2008, 10:05:17 PM
It took me a few days to find the sound for my Strat. Key---preamp volume must be 5 or more on cleans...6 to7 if using strat for OD. Gotta get those tubes a dancin' I also keep my mids very low on cleans, but that is a taste thing. Adjust the master volume and ratio if OD is on to temper actual volume.
Even on an LP the preamp volume needs to be at about 4.5 to 5 for the OD to sing. And it does. To me I have never heard an OD stompbox even close to the great OD this amp gets and it is really quiet. My findings have been agreed with by some very seasoned players.
For cleans I use a Klein, EH Holygrail and a little delay...very nice. Learn to tweak it and there are many rewards for your ears. I have never used mine without the Kleinulator and reverb...but I never play anything without some reverb...too dry.
If you got it to emulate the sounds you heard on clips I can tell you they are all in there. Several of them are using a touch of reverb and or delay btw. I get those tones and more.
As the others said, forget the FET...the normal input is made for your tele. Also the OTS has a very good ear. It will translate what you are sending more accurately than any amp I have ever play through. Each guitar I have is very distinct, more so than with other amps. It has helped my playing a lot by telling me about my weaknesses.
Give it a few days before you can it, because those tones you bought it for are in there. Finding your sound in the settings and breaking in some new equipment aren't necessarily things you have to subscribe to, but it does help to know your way around a given piece of equipment. Mine has actually grown on me more and more these past weeks. Alot of that is because I learned how to find what my ears wants through knowing the amp.
Like you I bought mine based on what I heard on sound clips and reviews. When mine got here I had a learning curve to overcome. I just hate for you to give up too quickly, I know how satisfied I am with mine.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Just ordered a new Special!!
on: September 10, 2008, 01:33:47 AM
My OD trim has an external adjustment knob. Nik does those for very reasonable rates. I usually keep it around 10ish, but treat yourself with some Marshall growl and drive it to 1 or 2 o'clock sometime. Another element that brings out that singing sustain is the preamp volume. Around 4.5 for humbuckers and 6 or more for a strat. Then that singing sustain really comes out. You can then temper the overall volume level with the master and ratio.
I know there are a lot of electronic amp masters on here, I am not. I am an eq tweaker. This amp is great for that. I use a Klein, a little reverb (EH Holygrail) and a little delay. The result is tone for days.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Just ordered a new Special!!
on: September 09, 2008, 12:52:21 AM
you won't be sorry. I felt the same way when I ordered. He is a stand up guy. I had a freak deal with mine. A few weeks after I got it the power transformer died. He had another on the way the next business day. It'll be long wait but you can relax as far as doing business from afar. He runs a tight ship. As far as the OTS, it is the best amp I have ever owned and produces OD to die for. It loves an LP.
Regards, Casken
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: fizzy edge
on: September 05, 2008, 02:12:17 PM
Steven, No expert here either, but using the volume in the preamp helps the OD significantly. Its been written about by others but I thought I'd mention it. I go around 5 for buckers and 6 to 7 for my strat. It doesn't need as much gain to sing with the pre amp volume up. YOu can temper the actual volume with the ration and power amp master. I've run into the fizzy when playing with the settings but can't remember how or what the dial were at. I have successfully dialed it out. Also I have an outboard OD trim adjustment so I get tons of variations.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: PAB tuning
on: August 06, 2008, 07:13:30 PM
I often find the sound of the PAB to be boxy. What do you guys think? I realise the 3 switches have an influence on the sound of the PAB. Anything else I could try? (without a soldering iron).
Obviously there is a difference between PAB on and PAB off. I can't figure out what controls the difference in level though.
Of course, tone is very subjective but I really like it. I think perhaps the fact that I am running both bright switches on the Klein and the one on the amp and have the treble 8-10 with my Lp for lead, it offsets the box aspect. Anyway, I like it. Sounds ballsy to me. Regards, Casken
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: More strange noises & wild bias fluctuations...
on: August 03, 2008, 12:58:52 AM
Mitch, glad you have a happy ending. Mine will be as well but its gonna take a little longer, I am afraid. My power transformer went totally ker plunk and ker pluey, bad part. The tech said it didn't appear to have overheated, it just died. Nik's been right on top of it and a replacement will be sent Monday. Mystery solved, although amp is currently out of commission ...just as we were getting to know each other.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Questionable, but i might be going for the Overtone
on: July 25, 2008, 03:35:00 PM
A Super reverb sounds nothing like a Twin reverb and of these which models ? a red knob twin vs a tan super..........With or without a tube screamer. May as well suggest a ots with a ts-808. With an open back cab mounted with 2x12jbls or 4X10 jensens. The difference in the amps would be canceled out by the speakers. These styles of amps are designed to sound good in a live/gig situations. Hearing them in context of a midi/backing track is meaningless. Unless you want to use your amp for that. There are many times a one amp that you did not like, will sound better in certain situations. Believe me I have done enough gigs and recording to know this. The OTS is a versatile amp. Be prepared for it to show all the glitches nuance in your playing in a similar way to an AC-30. If you want the amp to to help you through go down the mesa road. Yes no other. It transfers the guitar voice and activity of the strings and fingers like no other amp I have played.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: My ODSish rant!
on: July 24, 2008, 03:35:03 PM
As one who will not tweak or mod a thing on my amp because I couldn't be happier with it...I have a rant!
I have read this thread and some of the responses and to be honest it stirkes me a little like the bear with the sore backside.
I have collected a few very nice guitars in my time and was thrilled to get an amp that is their equal. The Overtone is. Thanks to Nik and all on this board who were involved.
Having said that...I thought the whole point of forums to to learn, teach, share information and generally share some common passions. Music is one of mine. While I can't tweak a night lite without instructions and half a day, I do know tone.
Some of us here are not learned in the way of electronics, nor any of the operational functions of an amp. Nor do we have time to become students of amp technology...just plug me in and make it sing is the goal. To suggest that our unlearned questions and discussions are somehow inapproriate or need not be offered until one does "research" so they can bring an educated discussion to the table of the "intellegent ones" is pure snobbery and is much worse that newbie questions. If you aren't inclined to answer, don't.
While I admire the knowledge and abilities of several of you on this board, to suggest perimeters for posting follow guidelines only gurus can understand is a bit, well I think Nathan used the correct word. Some of us here are just not as educated in this particular area. I have a few areas of expertise myself and could confound many here if I used the lingo inherent to the disciplines. That ability does not make me smarter or better...just educated in that discipline. I have never been offended because someone wanted me to clarify, educate or correct term usage. I sincerely do not understand the angst over having an opportunity to help someone.
...people come here and ask for information because you know the answers.
Think about it.