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31  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Trouble setting PI balance at 6VDC on: April 05, 2011, 04:13:12 PM
Thanks for the tips!  I didn't think to use my ears for this, but I will for sure be giving that a try.  Now to take it back out of the head cab for about the 5th time this week.....
32  Ceriatone / Overtone / Trouble setting PI balance at 6VDC on: April 04, 2011, 07:51:02 PM
All, I just got a new gold pin JJ "balanced" tube for the PI slot in my BM50.  I coudn't set the PI trim any closer than +15V even moving the dial all the way left so I reverted back to the prior tube which was easy to get back to the recommended +6V.  In fact, moving the dial either way had little effect on the voltages with this particular tube.  Is this something that happens with some tubes?  I don't have any good test tools other than my meter but is it possible that my new tube is way off or something?
33  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Pics of completed Overtones on: April 01, 2011, 06:24:02 AM
Do you mean posting the cabinet making or the amp?

Thanks!  I meant the amp, but I have a couple of pictures of the cabinet in process too.  I'll include what I did when I post my steps in case anyone wants to try it.  I've done a little woodwork in the past but this is my first foray into dovetailing and biscuit joining. The speaker cabinet was fairly cheap Home Depot wood (poplar, red oak, and some smooth plywood for the back and baffle.  The head cabinet was a single 10" x 8' x 1" thick piece of curly maple.  I think it matched up pretty well.  Total wood cost, about $80.  A lot, and I must reiterate, a lot of sanding since I don't have a planer or jointer...

34  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Pics of completed Overtones on: April 01, 2011, 02:17:06 AM
Here is my newly completed HRM Bluesmaster 50W kit.  Thanks to all on this forum that posted pics and tips!  I plan to pay back the favor by posting my steps once I get the document all in order.


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