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Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Cab & Speakers
on: March 06, 2008, 01:41:30 PM
The overdriven tones in the overtone seem a tiny bit harsh for my tastes...I'm playing through, maybe the G12-65 would smooth it out perfectly...any thoughts on that?
I think ChrisL posted a while back that he had tried a bunch of speakers with the overtone and that V30s were the only ones he didn't like. V30s have that hump in the upper mids and I believe the overtone has strong mids - perhaps this is what is causing the harshness you are having trouble dialling out?
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips
on: February 29, 2008, 02:03:29 AM
A small sample with my Jacaranda guitar . Just got lucky with the knobs
That tone is ridiculously good Marin (and the playing)! I think this is my favourite overtone tone so far. I love how we have been able to hear your tones go from 'good' through to 'excellent' through to this one which is out of this world IMO!!
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips
on: February 25, 2008, 10:13:48 AM
Just got mine. This thing sounds pretty good right out of the box.
Damn right! Sounds great! What sort of settings were you running for that - was it low volume?
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips
on: February 22, 2008, 02:16:48 PM
I don't have mine yet, but this is a comment from an OTS owber:
There are three internal trimmers inside the chassis. Two blue and one black with a whiter center. If you are looking into the chassis from the front of the amp, the BLUE trimmer on the far left (on a small board actually mounted on the left side of the chassis) is for the FET channel and Nik states that should be left "high" which is at least at 12:00 and that is how mine came set from the factory. (I haven't experimented with the FET input yet by the way) Moving to the right from the first BLUE trimmer, you'll discover another BLUE trimmer that is on the MAIN circuit board and is located just below and slightly to the left of the second pre amp tube socket (V2). This is the OD trimmer. It is very easy to adjust, (small slotted screwdriver will do) and mine came set (stock) from Nik at 9:00. (basically the slot was straight across) The OD trimmer has a HUGE impact on the tone, volume, and overall vibe of the OD channel. Set too low, (I found 9:00 o'clock too low for my ears/tastes) the OD channel sounds thin and anemic, (even with humbuckers), at volume levels that will get you invited back to many a gig, but the OD channel does seem to come to life a bit at that setting if in fact you do CRANK up the amp, but holy crap is it loud when you do that. Set too high, and the OD channel comes ROARING to life at pretty much any volume, but it VERY QUICKLY moves away from Dumblesque heaven and into Marshall mayhem in a big hurry. Don't get me wrong, the amp sounds great a pretty much any OD trimmer setting (VERY versatile) but it does take some time to dial in the OD channel using the OD trimmer, level, ratio, volume and master volume as well as tone contols set to taste obviously.
Website, Store / General / Re: New to the forum, and waiting for my Ceriatone.....
on: February 22, 2008, 03:48:15 AM
Hi Len
I don't have much experience with tweeds, but my 5E3 tweed deluxe from Nik is unreal - I run it with a Weber 15" alnico and it's the fattest sounding thing in the world! I'm sure your bandmaster will rock! I was considering a tweed bandmaster or pro as my second amp from ceriatone, but I have decided on the overtone special.
Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone cleans
on: February 01, 2008, 12:52:01 AM
Thanks guys - great stuff! I am still tossing up between the OTS and the new brown Vibroverb clone. Marin I found that low gain clip on you put on youtube - awesome tone, definately in the ballpark of what I am chasing!!
Ceriatone / Overtone / Overtone cleans
on: January 29, 2008, 10:57:35 PM
Hey guys
I am really close to pulling the trigger on an OTS. I have seen all the clips which show the OD channel - amazing - but how are the cleans and pushed cleans? Does it do the fat, sparkly SRV/John Meyer/BF strat type sound well? At moderate volumes or does it ned to be cranked?
American Style / 5E3 Tweed Deluxe / Re: Clean 5E3
on: January 17, 2008, 01:33:23 PM
Hi Bendo
I have just got a 5E3 from Nik. The best cleans I have been getting from the amp are more middy, thick and jazzy than fender spanky - really nice though. There is not much clean headroom at all - gets pretty crunchy at about 2 with p-90s. IMO this amp is all about the breakup. I have been using celestions though while I am waiting for a Weber alnico. That may have something to do with the sounds I have been getting. I agree with Alpedra - perhaps a BF vibro-champ would suit the bill better? There is a really nice sound clip by Tim Dutton on the main Ceriatone page.
Website, Store / Suggestions / Reverb/trem unit
on: January 01, 2008, 01:54:00 PM
Hi Nik
1st post here. I am enjoying my new 5e3.
As a suggestion, what about an old fender style outboard reverb or reverb/trem unit - for all those awesome tweed clones? I love the sound of a good tube reverb into a tweed.