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31  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: What is the BEST Dumble KIT/CLONE, if you can only ONE??? on: January 15, 2013, 06:34:41 AM
Ceriatone makes some 17 different varieties of Dumble clones. Kit and assembled versions. All kinds of mods are possible. There's also Fuchs, Twin Rock and a few other well known clone makers. Howard Dumble made several hundred amps, and may not be done making them. Just about every one is different. He customized them for the buyer.  A bit of google research time will fill you in on a lot more history.  Someone will hopefully fill in more details about the different kinds, but if you could narrow down what kind of sound you're looking for, it would make life easier for all involved. I have a Bluesmaster 50w head that I built from a kit, and it's an outstanding amp, exactly what I was hoping for.

Wow, SDuck!  This forum is awesome.  I'm new here ~ never owned a Marshall and have
been a Fender Man with amps and guitars.  But, I want to try the Dumble/Trainwreck thing
rather than Marshall.

To your request for music styles = Rockabilly, Blues, Blues Rock, Classic Rock, Folk Rock, Surf Rock.
Kim Simmonds/Savoy Brown, Alvin Lee/Ten Years After, Cliff Gallup, Scotty Moore, Keith Richards,
Link Ray, Early George Harrison, Buddy Holly, Creedence, Dick Dale, James Burton, Some Hendrix.
More of the "Americana" type of tones/sounds rather than British or Glam Rock or Heavy Metal.

So, I do want the clean sounds that can get "crunchy" "fuzzy" and achieve OD when desired.
I love Fender Reverb Tank Units and the Fender tone.

I absolutely want the Dumble feature regarding the fact that SOME Dumbles
can pickup Rockabilly single & duo string "attack picking" sounds
better than other Dumbles and better than most any other amp made.

I desire a Dumble different than a Fender clone (why duplicate) but do enjoy Fender/ish tones
with options on occassion to dial in towards Marshall Stack OD, if desired.

Don't know if ALL Dumbles only have one channel, but if Dumble or any particular Dumble amp models
do or do not have two channels, . . . .  then a
beautiful clean channel #1 that "sings" and a channel #2 that slips to OD quickly for Classic Rock tones.

Notice I did not mention The Who, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, . . . . love these groups,
but not for my song list or originals.   Awesome = Doors, GunsNRoses, James Brown = Good.

Thanks again.  Toppscore
32  Tw Clones / Rock It! / Re: How many watts? on: January 14, 2013, 12:15:46 PM
I'm surprised no one has commented back to you so far.  The amp is an alleged 30 watt "Vox AC30 on steroids".  I'm not sure about the metered wattage or the decibel reading, I CAN tell you that when I first plugged in and tried to play at volume 5 @ 30 watts (full power switch on) The treble (at 5 w/ treble cut at 5) through a custom 2x12 with Webers, the result was inducing involuntary, lip curling winces. This is the most aggressive 30 watts I've ever heard.  I have some friends with 120 watt Crates with 4x12s and a 100 W Marshall also with a 4x12.  I need to do a 1 to 1 with them, but I suspect this amp will hold its own.  I know the output from 60 W Crate I had pales in comparison. The real plus is that the tone is phenomenal! I can roll back and forth a digit or two on the guitar volume at any setting and go from jazz clean to metal head crunch.  If this is the lowest gain Trainwreck, I think I'm  actually afraid of the Liverpool and Expression repros.
Thanks for coming back to me (luckily I'm a patient man...). What I really wanted to know was whether you can get a decent amount of Overdriven tone at usable volumes..??
Everything i've read (and heard) suggests that if you want reasonable volumes and overdrive out of this amp you either need:
1) an attenuator or . . . . 2) A MV or VVR
#2 goes against Ken's orignal design and would probably effect the tone alot.
Have you looked at Nik's Creme Brulee? It is the EF86 (overdrive/crunchy side) of the DC30/AC30. Lots of gain at much lower volume.

I have a Weber Mass 200 Attenuator.  Some amps are designed not to break-up early or not at all.

But, just wondering if using speakers with lower than desired wattage specs
that would actually blow if an amp was dimed at 10 on the volume
but would break-up if you managed to never dime the amp while driving
those speakers to their limits "before" blowing them - haha

Wondering what you think about adding speakers into the "overdrive/crunchy" equation???
33  Ceriatone / Overtone / What is the BEST Dumble KIT/CLONE, if you can only ONE??? on: January 14, 2013, 11:45:43 AM
Hi! This is my first post.  I own a ton of Tweed Blonde Brownface
Blackface Silverface & Modern Solid State Fender amps.
No more Fender for me, gotta study what I own.

But, I'm extremely interested in owning a "Dumble Amp Head"
either a Ceriatone Kit, a Ceriatone built clone or a boutique clone.

What Ceriatone amp kit or clone is the best?
The Overdrive Undecided
The SSS  Undecided

Did Howard Dumble make various Dumble models or just one?
Does Ceriatone have a variety of Dumble amp kits besides the Overdrive and/or the SSS?

I study Blues, Rockabilly, Classic Rock, Blues Rock and Folk Rock . . . . .
Electric BDylan, Hendrix, Creedence, Savoy Brown, Ten Years After, Gov't Mule,
Northern Mississippi Allstars, Cliff Gallup, Scotty Moore, Albert King, etc.

If you were to choose one Ceriatone Dumble amp as a keeper for life,
what do many of you suggest?

Thanks for your input(s). Toppscore Cool
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