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181  Community / Classifieds / Ceriatone Champ on: November 17, 2010, 11:29:24 AM
Well I finally decided to thin the heard a bit...

This amp was wired by Nik but has several mods I installed later on...
Mods that I have are... Choke, Tone Stack Bypass Sw.(Gerald Weber Tweed mod), switchable cathode bypass cap, switchable bias so I can use 6V6 or 6L6 for more power. Currently I have 6L6 in the amp but I will add 6V6 in the package as well.
In the cab I have Jensen P10Q AlNiCo speaker...

You can't see all the mods in this photo... I took this picture when I received the amp from Nik...

This amp sounds terrific but don't trust my words listen to this...

I'm asking for 500EUR + shipping

If you have any questions about the amp... don't be shy
182  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Any tube collectors' views on what vintage tubes for a stock HRM amp? on: November 17, 2010, 11:04:30 AM

Great tool....but how about just building a small fender tweed champ like this one: http://ceriatone.com/productSubPages/ACChampUltra/ACChampUltra.htm

Like the Univalve it uses ONE preamp tube and ONE poweramp tube. It's self biasing (because its a cathode biased class design), so in effect it'll let you try you whole collection of preamp tubes , one by one ,as well as your poweramp collection. An let your ears decide what sounds best. I have a homebrew champ that I use just for that.

You gotta make sure, though, that the power transformer will be able to deliver 1.5A of heating current, if you want to try EL34/KT66/KT77/KT88 tubes.

Well using amp is not as convenient... (I'm talking pre amp tubes here)... with this device you really can hear the subtle difference which can't be heard with the amp like that... and also this way you can see what certain tube does to whatever specific amp you're testing with... not o mention the OD side as well. We all know some tubes work better on the clean side and some are better for OD...
183  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Just got my HRM Bluesmaster 50w kit! (and build pictures) on: November 17, 2010, 07:01:48 AM
I think you're right about those wires.
184  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Any tube collectors' views on what vintage tubes for a stock HRM amp? on: November 17, 2010, 06:59:44 AM
Man if I would have a tube collection like you I would definitely invest in something like this...

Just my thoughts about your comment ...
Frankly I'm surprised at all the posts about circuit tweaking and conversely so very little from the tube selecting/bias setting side of amp voicing. 

...I don't want to build my tone around some expensive NOS tubes... these are hard to get and even harder in the future I guess and not to mention expensive.... I rather use something which is easy to get and tweak the amp from there. That's probably why people here don't focus on tubes that much... after all, we decided on C-tone because we're smart with our $$$.  Wink

...and welcome to the forum.
185  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: New OTS FM50 ordered on: November 17, 2010, 06:49:44 AM
...not that I need another amp but I'm looking forward to hear what these newcomers can do.

I'll be waiting for your clips...
186  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone models on: November 14, 2010, 12:36:05 PM
#183 features what is known as a "precision power supply" this is not a Dumble invention but a well established alternative way of delivering stable and filtered voltages to the various stages in the amp.
I know where the #183 information came from and I have to say that I'm sceptical about the very small snubbers, in my opinion these amps need to have some kind of Low Pass filtering 'post overdrive' in order to tame the brightness / overtones. Either the Low Pass filtering is happening elsewhere or the snubbers should be larger. I know that there were debates on this subject over on TAG, what was written on the snubber caps, did it mean nF and not pF, were the snubbers actually measured 'out of circuit'......the only true test is to play one I guess.

I was thinking the same about those snubbers... in my opinion 250K drive pot can't take away all that hi-end (Miller effect - like Scott mentioned). I remember that my OTS started out as a S&M model and had 250K drive pot and was still to bright with 270p snubbers for my liking... I don't know, perhaps I still have a lot to learn about these amps but for now I would rather stay away from #183 layout,.... at least until some guys report back how this baby sounds like.
187  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Which guitars go well with an OTS / which guitars do you own on: November 14, 2010, 12:04:39 PM
Another tele guy here... out of all my guitars I prefer tele, no doubt about it... on the other hand, I prefer tele with any other amp as well not just D-.   Grin
188  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: New OTS amps on the horizon... on: November 14, 2010, 12:01:29 PM
Well I asked Nik if MK2 is Emerald Pro and he said, he never even saw E-Pro in person.
MK2 is just another take to HRM D-style amp from Nik... something more in line with the real thing.
189  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips on: November 12, 2010, 12:43:12 PM
cheers mate. I have to talk to Erwin about this ;-)

If you do this, let me know how it goes... my guess is you will love it.
190  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips on: November 12, 2010, 09:55:59 AM
What do you mean by a BM type PAB? Is that a difficult mod to do?

Yeah those BM clips are nice. I was wondering if the "attack" of the BM is milder (more compressed??) then a regulaer OTS? I feel the OTS (clean) is very much "in your face"/very direct.  Good to cut through the mix, but a bit much for my tatse. That why I asked for the same clip with a Bm amp. You could realy compare the tonal differences.

Here you go .... this is what I have done with my OTS PAB...
If the boost is too much for you just reduce the 220K resistor.
191  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Greetings! on: November 12, 2010, 07:38:26 AM
If you like Fender BF tone, than you will love your bluesmaser.
192  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips on: November 12, 2010, 07:35:17 AM
Yeah that sounds realy nice. Close to my own setup I guess.
I was wondeing about 2 things. What are your settings? What do you do to compensate for the C'lator? I need to turn up the presence quite a bit to get rid of some of the darkness.
I have a prioblem with my PAB switch. sounds realy boxy. Do you have the same inssue?
Could you please redo the same clip with your bluesmaster?  Grin

Well I have the bright cap on the master pot (15p) an that works for my teles which are my main guitar anyway... for LP I think I would need to increase that cap a bit but I don't mind a darker tone sometimes. I think my presence was at noon on this clip.
I didn't like the standard OTS PAB, so I changed it to bluesmaster style but I changed the value of the resistor on the mid pot (I use 220K). Works much better this way IMHO.
I have some bluesmaster clips available but not with LP.

193  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone models on: November 12, 2010, 07:27:30 AM
I posted this on the TAG the other day...

Ok here's my take on C-tone offering...

Overtone Special is Skyliner hi-plate nonHRM
don't know why this amp is considered as #124. I don't see it this way, like I said OTS is hi-plate amp and #124 has fender style values in there.
Very smooth and warm sounding OD, lots of OD on tap but not as much as S&M, mid heavy cleans (in a good way). Amp that likes to sustain and compress. Easy amp to play... All knobs at noon and you have a sound to work with. I think this one is the warmest amp compared to others.

Overtone S&M (Sami and Marin) Special Skyliner nonHRM
Overall brighter amp compared to standard OTS... clean tone is more or less the same, on the other hand OD is brighter, more aggressive sounding. Like OTS this amp likes to sustain. In my experience this amp is not designed to switch from clean to OD on the fly. You have to set the clean and stick with it... than go to OD, set the tone again and play that for a while.
BTW this was the first D-style amp from Nik and it was his take on D-stayle amp... some said, it's to harsh sounding but some others liked. Sami and Marin didn't want to mod it (like OTS "jzucker" mods) and that's way it's called S&M model. I don't blame them they sound very good with this amp.

Now I don't have any experience with FM or 183 models... but looking at layouts, I can say that FM is as well as OTS hi-plate amp but has some things in there which will make the amp sound brighter (master cap, presence cap, smaller snubbers)... so I guess this amp is designed to be used with D-lator... without it it might be just to bright.
183 is again hi-plate amp but with some interesting turns... like very small subbers, no LNFB, different style PS. I really don't know what to say about this amp... but you heard TAGs Politician, what's more to say.  Grin

Like I said this is my take on these amp... I played the OTS and S&M and I hope I'll try the other two as well some day.
...but you all know this, tone is a personal thing and what is smooth and warm for me, it might be dark and dull for somebody else.
194  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Tube V1 on: November 11, 2010, 09:14:03 AM
I don't see why V1 would glow harder... is it the same brand as the rest of the tubes?
Can you put another one in there and see if it's only that particular tube that glowes like that?
195  Community / Classifieds / Kleinulator - EU on: November 10, 2010, 02:30:26 PM
Kleinulator - some scratches, nothing serious in working order...

90€ + shipping (I'm located in Slovenia)
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