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166  Website, Store / General / Angled baffles? on: December 24, 2010, 01:07:27 AM
Anyone tried building cabs with the baffle angled upwards 10 degrees or so?

Or with 2 x12 vertically but a little diagonal?

Vertical but each pointing left and right ?

167  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone HRM Bluesmaster: 50W or 100W on: December 24, 2010, 01:00:42 AM
my BM50 is not quite as clean as I would like in a home studio at playing volume.
Note: I don't run all amps clean, just the ones that are Twin-like
I would consider the 100w if I was reordering, even for studio use

tbh 50w or 100w will be OK, and you will be very happy if the D-style works for your style

AFAIK the Celestion Golds are recommended for all the OTS heads
I bought a Fane too, smoother but much less detail and character I think. Quieter too strangely (Fane claims 1dB more sensitivity. 3dB less I would say)
168  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: New OTS 50W on: December 23, 2010, 10:35:57 PM
Fully agree with Nairbr regarding amp settings for both Strats and les paul guitars.

However, if the amp in question is a BLUESMASTER, early breakup will happen if the BASS POT is above 2½-3 (8:00-8:30 o'clock). The Bluesmaster amps are bass monsters, so you have to keep that pot way down.

There seem to be some confusion regarding the Bluesmaster, people tend to believe that the PI (Phase inverter) and/or poweramp is the reason for ealy break up in Bluesmasters. It all comes down to excessive bass in the Bluesmaster preamp. Period :-) If you want a balanced tone from the Bluesmaster preamp, you have to keep the Bass (and mid) control really, really low.

If you are in doubt about this, make a search for a picture of Matt Schofield or Larry Carlton's Bludo BLUESMASTER settings, and you will see that both players have the tone control settings close to:

- treble at '5' (12 o'clock)
- mid at 3 (9 o'clock) and
- BASS at 2½ (8:30 o'clock).

You might argue that a stellar player like Scott Lerner, who use mostly Bluesmaster amps (Glaswerks and Bludo's) has his tone controls at noon?? Yes, but Scott Lerner almost always plays lead guitar on his clips - with OD and PAB on. AND Scott use MAGA BOOST, which in effect means that in his clips the tone controls are not active at all.

Hope this helps

I'll try a high preamp and low master setting, but I usually try to leave the master as high as I can to get good cleans, like on my Twin II with good flat bright speakers.

I saw the photos, and it's worth noting that the settings I use on my Fuchs ODS are completely different to what I use on my BM50:
On Fuchs low OD 1 (9 o'clock), noon for OD2, flat EQ, low presence. this is with the Fuchs 2x12 with very dark Eminence Red white and blues
on the BM50, trebly EQ, low bass, high presence, both OD on noon. BM50 is still darker (with a celestion Gold, more so with a Fane AXA12, dark as you like with any non-Alnico driver).
I would conclude that the Bludotone settings don't necessarily map across to the BM50. Nice to see the pictures though

tbh I am very happy with the BM50 other than the upside-down deep switch and the overkill PAB, so these are on the list for my tech to remedy.
I would like a little more brightness, but only half as much as the bright switch gives


169  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: HRM Bluesmaster Shipped Today!! on: December 23, 2010, 10:24:55 PM
and your Alnico speakers, don't fight it like I did. Just get 1 or 2 Celestion Golds
170  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone HRM Bluesmaster: 50W or 100W on: December 23, 2010, 10:24:00 PM
If you want a proper clean sound at gig volumes, get the 100w. I can't get near the sound of my Twin with the 50w BM

Only get the 50w if you play small gigs, or if you want the amp to be well into break-up all the time. You can get a half power (triode on the 50w) switch that works quite well too.

with this amp, you will have the BF tone, and add a gritty, articulate OD that goes well with the bluesy sound. you can crank it up towards Santana, but there's no need.
The Preamp boost (PAB) offers a more conventional boost, which needs trimming back a little I think (ask fro a trimmer on the PAB). The PAB would be fatter than the OD the way I set up the amp. Get the OD trimmer too

I can't think of a better single amp for your needs. The HRM is worth getting - it will allow the customisation of your OD tone

One other point: this amp is a little dark, it needs a bright speaker, preferably Celestion Golds (it's twice the amp with these)
171  Muchless / DC 30 / Re: Someone please help.... on: December 23, 2010, 10:15:26 PM
You need to get a tech to look at it

decide if you trust the tech you used, if you have no other experience with him, or other good experiences, I would try him again
172  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: New OTS 50W on: December 22, 2010, 09:25:38 PM
@ ToneControl, regarding early breakup, what are the other settings you are using?  Are you speaking of 2 on the Volume (first knob) or Master?  If you are running the preamp vol high, that *could* account for it.  But I'm thinking it may be a bad preamp tube.  It shouldn't break up that low.  I have a 100w w/ a 1/2 power switch, and I still just get saturated, compressed cleans when both the Vol and Master are at 5 on the 50w setting.

I like my amps to be just on the edge of breaking up, and I use the pick to vary the tone
It's a 50w BM / HRM
With normal strat SCN pickups, well the neck pickup usually, I run it at (these are the numbers, not o'clocks):
vol 3
deep off, mid off
Treble 8-9
Mid 5
Bass 2-3
OD 5
OD level 5
master 8
Presence 8
halfpower not on
OD trim, about 2 o'clock
with this I can get clean , then add grit with the OD or PAB
any more than 3, it's saturating (and I like that, but I use a 5E3 or quad 6L6 5x3 for that
It just seems odd that some amps break up at 7 (jtm45 clone), but many at just 9 o'clock (5E3, dz30, Fuchs ODS30). My real DC30 works for me between 9 o'clock and 11 o'clock on the EF86 channel & the ecc83 one
Maybe I should fot a treble bleed cap on my guitars and take the volume down on them, but I do like the full tone from a guitar on max

Anyone tried diff valve types in a D-Clone?
This BM50 sounds in the same league as my DC30 btw.
DC30 does a few other tricks too though to be fair. It's the only loud amp  I've found can sound OK at low vol just using master vol

173  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: New OTS 50W on: December 21, 2010, 10:25:16 PM
I too felt a bit cheated that I was supposed to buy Alnicos to make my BM50 work. Why make an amp with a response that needs a pricey speaker?
Now I have finally put a single Celestion Gold in front of the BM50.
Result = amazing, the BM50 with a 1x12 Celestion Gold now sounds much better than my Fuchs ODS with Fuchs 2x12
Just bite the bullet and get some Celestion Golds (even though I keep unluckily getting buzzy ones). You'll need them for other amps at some point anyway
174  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: New OTS 50W on: December 21, 2010, 07:19:44 AM
Bluesmaster's have limited headroom because of the PI they use (Marshall/Fender PI),especially the 50w BM.

I don't see the BM breaking up @ around 2 o'clock. On my 100w amp the only thing that's bluesmaster spec is the phase inverter (The Clean tonestack is a Skyliner and the HRM  is just standard HRM) and it breaks up (with the Master) @ 12 o'clock and the (Pre amp Vol) @ 6 o'clock. And the amp is pretty friggin loud @ that point. With those settings the amp feedbacks into itself (of course I use a D-lator as the Final Master too).

 I recommend finding someone to mod your PI to Skyliner specs and keeping the BM tonestack if you don't dig the sound now and if your not getting enough headroom.

Some folks don't have headroom problems with the 50w OTS although...?

my BM50 starts to break up at 2 (as in 2/10), not 2 o'clock (and 3 o'clock with a quieter strat SC pickup). I run the master vol at 8 (3 o'clock)
both OD at noon (i.e. 5/10)
tbh, most of my amps do break up at 9 o'clock, I'm talking about breakup rather than overdrive. I run my Fuchs ODS30 at 10 o'clock, and that's very fendery clean there. I'm just wondering if anyone's tried different tubes in the BM50. I do like its sound (although it's a little dark, even with a Celestion Gold I'm setting the presence and treble very high, which is very unusual for me), so I'm not looking to mod it (other than to reverse the deep switch and lower the PAB gain)

175  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: New OTS 50W on: December 20, 2010, 08:40:54 PM
FWIW I thought the JJ's were terible in my amp. Very 2D, mushy and flat IMO. Tung sol for V1 and V3 and NOS for V2 is my favorite combo so far.

my BM50 breaks up beyond 2 (clean) with my Kinman single coils, and 2 with my Fender SCN

Is this normal?
I want a clean tone when no boost or OD is on, but just about going into compression, and I add a little grit with the ODs both on 5 and the trimmer on 2 o'clock.
Are the JJs just too hot for me, or am I just the odd one out wanting a clean tone? Should I put a 5751 or a 12AT7 in v1 like in my 5E3 ??

176  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Harshness on my Bluesmaster's OD on: December 14, 2010, 11:32:01 PM
change the PI
you could have damaged it whilst inserting/removing the Kleinulator
177  Website, Store / General / Re: Mismatching impedances OK? Like fender Tonemaster (16ohm speaker, 4 ohm tap) on: November 23, 2010, 09:07:48 PM
Have not owned a hotplate, but the Weber unit offers more than just attenuation, much better feature set.  Rather than just a network or resistors, the Weber uses an actual speaker motor to provide some of that (flyback voltage) feedback to the OT like a real speaker, mine has footswitch to turn attenuation on/off, headphone jack, TRS balanced out, hi or lo rate of attenuation, 4/8/16 ohm impedance matching, treble boost switch (more like presence) 0, +3, or +6db, plus a full tone stack (volume treb, mid, bass) controlling only the line out signal.   That gives the user better control over his tone through the mixer, no more micing ever.  About the only option I didn't get with mine was the rackmount ears.  I get some amazing "cranked up" amp tones at small room regular gig volume levels.   Better sustain and girth in the tone for sure.   No loss of treble unless wanted due to treb boost switch.

I found a comparison at http://www.legendarytones.com/weberma.html:

Now the question is undoubtedly going to come up later if I don’t address it here first – quite simply, “How does the Weber MASS’ tone compare to the THD Hot Plate?”

I did some A/B tests using all amps and cab types and found that when set for little to moderate attenuation (-8 dB max on the Hot Plate and tuned to a similar output level with the MASS), the tone of both units was very similar, though the Hot Plate was a hair brighter (which could be viewed as a benefit or a disadvantage depending on your perspective!). When going to –12 dB or more on the Hot Plate, the Hot Plate won out on versatility because that’s when its frequency compensation switches really assisted in making the tone seem more natural with extra low and high end reinforcement. The MASS’ treble boost switch serves it well at those settings as well, but overall it is more of an extreme adjustment, whereas the Hot Plate tone network is a bit more subtle and therefore more useful in a wider range of applications.

Sonically for my personal uses, which involve attenuation typically no more than –8 dB, I would be happy with either unit. Any further than that in attenuation and the Hot Plate is my favored choice simply due to the frequency compensation switches which I feel are very well tuned.

Now for direct out use or in a “wet-dry” combined setup, the versatility of having the tone network on the MASS to compensate and correct the tone of the DI signal makes it an easy pick as the winner over the Hot Plate. Direct out signals from amplifiers can typically sound atrocious in general, so being able to e.q. and set the level for them prior to going out to another amplifier, mixer, or effects, is a tremendous benefit.

All together the Weber MASS is an excellent unit and is also a tremendous value for those looking for a quality attenuator today. I label it as a “tremendous value” because there are various models available for different power handling characteristics and you can order the options you’d like as needed. Ours was a nearly fully-equipped model and at a price of 180.00, still makes it a very compelling buy.

The THD Hot Plate had previously earned a score of 10 out of 10 when I tested it last year as it ran circles around it’s well-known competitor, the Marshall Power Brake. The Weber MASS definitely does the same and you could do no wrong with it as well. With its features, solid build quality, and overall value, I’m also awarding the Weber MASS a score of 10. For more information about the Weber MASS, visit www.webervst.com.

I had 3 Hotplates.
Personally I think beyond -4dB the tone is lost. Beyond -4dB, worth getting if you want a dummy load.
I now try to use iso cabs for recording. If I was less lazy, and played out of my house, I'd pick an amp for the occasion I think. I'm not convinced that the speaker driver sound colouring for Celestion Blues, V30s, etc is possible to dial in with EQ though.
Some software does a fair job, but just into the desk? must be harder to get right surely?

178  Website, Store / General / Re: Mismatching impedances OK? Like fender Tonemaster (16ohm speaker, 4 ohm tap) on: November 22, 2010, 11:39:02 PM
is the weber mass way better than the THD hotplate?
179  Website, Store / General / Re: Mismatching impedances OK? Like fender Tonemaster (16ohm speaker, 4 ohm tap) on: November 22, 2010, 09:39:28 PM
on the Fender Tonemaster (which is an all-tube PTP amp, for the info of the earlier poster) did sound much quieter when using the switch, with the controls untouched, when the amp was mismatched.

It's unusual enough for me to mention it here, but I too assumed the OT was bullet-proofed to allow this
180  Website, Store / General / Re: Guitar signal splitter on: November 21, 2010, 07:51:23 PM
No ground loop issues with this box... after all there you have a transformer and a ground lift switch to take care of that.

ah I didn't spot the transforrmer
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