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16  Ceriatone / Overtone / Considering building cab influenced by Super Speaker Cabinet & Dumble Cabs on: April 06, 2009, 07:51:40 PM

I have a single EV-M12L, and 2 NOS 17+ year old Celestion Greenbacks. I am thinking about building 2 cabinets to use with my newly purchased OTS from the nice man at Ceriatone.

I'm planning on building a couple plywood cabinets in Thailand. The prices I've seen from the US for finished models aren't too bad, but shipping them here is really the costly part, so, I'm going to oversee the process of getting some woodworkers to build them here.

I'm in a thought process about this whole thing, and have done some research, and just think it would be nice to bounce a few ideas around as some of you have far more experience in these matters than I.

It appears that the porting of the Dumble cabs has a great effect on their sound (This is not from personal experience, unfortunately) this is from the testimony of others.

So cab #1 I'm thinking about building a modified copy of the CCC Thunderbox that was the subject of the post

I thought it was a little OT to continue on the Super Speaker Cabinet post, but you need to be familiar with that post to grok what I'm thinking about. So, take a look at the post. Pay special attention to the discussion at the end about how it's ported. Q&A between Franne500 and Pickmaster.

Here's a link to the OP by Pickmaster (thanks BTW!) March, 23.

So, that's all by way of introduction, so I know it's going to be a long post.

Who's names come to mind when Dumble Amps are mentioned? Well quite a few, but Larry Carlton, and Robben Ford are at the top of the list. Pickmaster will soon be similarly enshrined, I'm sure!

I'm never going to sound like any of these guys, but I'm going to try to get the best sound I can. I got a great amp, a bunch of things I can plug into it (guitars & mandolins mostly), and the next thing to do is get my effects straightened out, and - relevant to this topic - build a couple speaker cabs.

So, going to Larry Carlton's website... I think it's right... over... Ah! Here it is:


I hope this video loads for you. I'm About 4 1/2 minutes into it L.C.'s Tech says the Dumble designed cab is the best thing he's ever heard, or words to that effect. He goes on to mention that it's due to a scientifically measured 'conical' baffle (he probably means 'oval'). But whatever, it started me searching around the internet. Apparently, a design feature of all Dumble's cabinets are (for want of a better term) "Racetrack shaped" rear-facing ports.

So, I was thinking about building a cab similar to the Thunderbox, incorporating a Dumble style port, and a 2X12 compact cab for the Celestions, again with the Dumble style port. Now, I'm not worried about the 2X12, as it is otherwise a conventional design, but using this particular type of port on a Thunderbox style cab is a big question. Compare the picture from Pickmaster's post (where it is bottom-facing). to the back-facing port on a 1X12 Dumble, and you'll see my problem. The Dumble port is way larger. I have no way of 'scientifically measuring the port, as Dumble did, but I can get the general dimensions from photos, but the Thunderbox port faces downward, which, I'd assume would give it a whole different dynamic. I know nothing about the advisability of making this change, so, if you have any suggestions, well...suggest.
I hope the attachments come through as this is one of my first posts here. 1. should be the Thunderbox port, 2. should be a Dumble 1X12 Combo amp rear view, and 3. Should be a rear view of a 2X12 compact diagonal cab from Hermida Audio.


17  Ceriatone / Overtone / Multi-effects with OTS - Any recommendations? on: January 11, 2009, 10:43:06 PM
Hi - I'm getting an OTS soon. All my multi-effects are pretty old, and mostly for studio use. I don't have any good stomp boxes worth mentioning.

Now, I don't like a lot of heavy effects. I'm going to stick with a little compression, short delay, some chorus. A couple things I play I use tremolo, volume pedal, and reverb on. So I'd rather not have a separate stomp box for each function.

What's out there on today's market that's good, and would enhance, not detract from, the OTS? I would prefer it didn't have an amp modeler or preamp in it, unless it is 100% defeatable.

Thanks for your suggestions - Buzzer
18  Ceriatone / Overtone / Using OTS with 2 cabs - together & separately - need switch suggestions. on: January 11, 2009, 10:28:22 PM

I recently ordered an OTS, and from what I've learned, the main sound I want will come better through an EVM 12L. I have to buy this, and find a cabinet for it. But I currently own a couple Celestion Greenbacks I bought 15 years ago. I can use that sound too - for sure! I would also like to see what their sound would be like combined.

My question is what kind of a switch do I need that would activate speaker A, B, or A+B quickly, silently, and not damage the amp or speakers or listeners?

Would there be a problem with resistance when using the speakers together?

Thanks - Buzzer
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