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Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Which Overtone?
on: October 07, 2011, 03:26:29 PM
Thanks they helped a lot. I'm now considering the normal HRM because of the separate EQ and volume for each channel. Also is the OD trim useful? You say it's marshally - can you dial in the same thick and creamy OD or does the Special simply do this better?
Ceriatone / Overtone / Which Overtone?
on: October 06, 2011, 04:22:11 PM
I'm struggling to figure out which one to get. I don't even know whether to get the Special or HRM. I play in a cover band doing a lot of classic rock (heaviest would be ACDC but it doesn't have to be that accurate tone wise) so I'd need to be able to do more than the jazz blues every clip seems to be. I'm leaning towards the Standard OTS but have also looked at the HRM BM.
The smooth and creamy OD that sustains is the most important thing. I have a DRRI and love the cleans on it, so anything similar to that would be great. I like the idea of the internal OD EQ trimpots on the HRM BM but the cleans and OD don't seem to be as good as the Special. I usually play a Strat with a humbucker in the bridge.