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Ceriatone / Overtone / hrm50 power supply board wiring question
on: January 21, 2012, 02:41:48 AM
Ok, this is probably obvious to an experenced amp guy but has me a bit confused.
On the power supply board, on the + side of the large 300v 200mF capacitors there are several wires., K (the rectified supply), then "OT CT" , then the choke leads. Where does the OT CT go to.
Thanks much!
Ceriatone / Overtone / need help pls- building an hrm 50w
on: January 09, 2012, 04:07:04 AM
Hi all, well I've finally got time and have jumped into my kit which has been sitting for quite some time. I'm trained in electronics but new to amps and the diagram has me a bit confused.
Can someone clarify the meaning of the small circles that appear to be joining wires together? A specific example of my confusion: the Lo and Hi input jacks have 2 outputs named A1 & A2. A2 has an orange wire connected to the tip side of the input, but there is a green wire connected to the sleeve side of the input. these wires join together in a circle. Graphichally it appears these wires are to be connected but this would result in a direct short across the input signal.
Also on the Hi input there appears to be a diagonal black connection between tip and sleeve which also makes no sense.
Can someone enlighten me? I'm sure I just need a couple hints and this will all make sense.