Hi guys
I thought I'd give you a rundown of my "new" amp setup.
I use:
- 2xTungSol 12AX7, 1 Sovtes 12AX7LPS PI,2 TAD 6L6WGC-STR
- one of Erwins Dumblelators (serial)
- a TubeTown cab with 2 G12-65's
I haven't been a 100% happy with the clean channel of my OTS (May 2008 specs). I felt it sounded a bit "in your face" with to much " emphasis" on the attack of the note.
Also for my taste the amp had a bit of a dark (mid?) blanket over the sound. It lacked a bit of top end sparkle. Erwin did put a 67pf bright cap over de Master Volume, but that diodn' t seem to work well with my OD sound. The only thing that worked was turning my Presence all the way up top 9. The PAB switch was "unusable" because it sounded to boxy/nasal. Both in clean and OD.
I listened to a lot of clips on YouTube and got the impression that possibly the Bluesmaster cleans were more my cup of tea. Not enouigh cash to buy one unfortunatly.
I had been discussing this with Erwin and somehow/somewhere he dug up a layout which combined Bluesmaster cleans and OTS OD.
So he rebuilt my pre-amp and I must say I have been realy happy with the result. (Haven't tried it at gig level yet).
The amp now
- has a smoother attack (less in your face)
- has a "sweeter" sound with more high end
- even more sustain. Notes seem to bloom up (like a natural compression)
- OD has that nice thing where it almost feeds back
- the PAB is usable
- amp is bright enough without the use of bright switch of tons of of presence
Erwin didn't change the PI so it still has enough headroom
For me Erwin is the Dumble from Holland. Can't thank him enough.
When I get the courage I'll post a clip.
Greets and a Happy New Year to all