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16  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Tweaked Layout on: May 01, 2008, 04:30:26 AM
Yeah this will be fantastic - but I can only see a small section of the layout at the moment Huh?
17  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Special Overtone Project on: April 30, 2008, 11:28:05 PM
Beautiful ic-racer - what a great sound! Cheesy
18  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: All about my Klein-ulator on: April 22, 2008, 03:02:36 AM
Hey Jack

That latest strat clip is sensational!!  One thing I'm not sure of - does the Kleinulator improve the sound of the amp even when the effects aren't engaged?  To me that strat clip sounds way better than your initial 'dry' clips (or maybe it is just getting the OTS dialled in?).
19  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone Soundclips on: April 20, 2008, 05:08:11 AM
Great clip Jack.  This one and the 'Holdsworthian' one are fantastic!! Thanks!!
20  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone v. Blackface? on: April 19, 2008, 11:06:41 PM
Thanks for that JohnE - sounds very promising, can't wait for mine!  I was really tossing up between the OTS and the new brownface vibroverb clone Nik has as I really just want decent fender-style clean and pushed cleans.  Sounds like the OTS has it covered! Smiley
21  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone compared to D'lite on: April 19, 2008, 03:53:12 AM
Do remember fellas that the D'lite has evolved significantly in the past year or so.  It's to the point where you have to ask.....Which D'lite?

yeah - I think these clips are all of the D'Lite with the 'bluesmaster' mods (also aren't they 6v6 amps??).  That last clip with the older guy playing the bluesy strat is just fantastic IMO, even though the recording quality is pretty crap.  That bluesy, stratty mild overdrive is what I am chasing. If I could approach that sound with the overtone (when it arrives!) I would be pretty happy.
22  Website, Store / General / Re: New to the forum, and waiting for my Ceriatone..... on: April 17, 2008, 11:23:00 AM
Hi Len

Any chance of a soundclip??  I have a 5e3 tweed deluxe which I love, but I would like to hear what the bigger ceriatone tweeds sound like.
23  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone/Blackface? on: April 08, 2008, 12:13:16 PM
I would definitely say OT has more mids than the SF Twin I played and not vice versa.

Yeah that makes sense - I thought the general consensus is that the D style amps are supposed to have stronger mids than BF/SF Fenders.
24  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone/Blackface? on: April 08, 2008, 09:28:17 AM
With the OT which is very strong in the mids like Wyatt said, you don't need to do that. So if you are looking for strong firm mids, OT is definitely for you.
Bass and treble are already there.

I am a bit confused - Wyatt said the mids are more scooped than a BF fender (i.e it has less mids).   Huh?
25  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone/Blackface? on: April 08, 2008, 04:44:39 AM
I asked a similar question a while ago.  Look at the responses for the topic 'overtone cleans'.  I asked about the OTs ability to achieve the stratty, BF, SRV sound.  The impression I got was that the OT had very good cleans, but probably a bit different than the archetypical BF sound whilst still being in the same ballpark. There was also a comment that a fair bit of the tone has to do with speaker choice as well.
26  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: The Overtone Special... Worth the cash? on: March 30, 2008, 10:50:14 PM

Much of Texas Flood used a Dumble, but I can't comment on which songs (I'm no SRV fan).

Texas Flood has some of the greatest tones ever laid down on an album and a lot of it was a Dumble - but not an ODS, it was Jackson Browne's  300 watt bass amp.   
There is an interview with Howard Dumble somewher on the net with the details.    SRV had his own Dumbles later, but they were Steel String Singers which (I think) are single channel clean amps.
I don't have mine yet, but I reckon the overtone will be versitile enough to give a decent edgy, stratty SRV type sound (at least I hope so).
27  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Cab & Speakers on: March 27, 2008, 10:30:32 AM
Yes, I have a EVM-12L in a combo amp with my Overtone.  This is my preferred speaker.  I've compared it with a Vintage 30, a Greenback, an Eminence Red Fang, and a Celestion G12 Classic Lead.  I did add my own version of a beam blocker in front of the EVM-12L.  You can hear it on my sound clip on the website if you wish.


I think Greg's clip on the Ceriatone soundclips page.
28  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: The Overtone Special... Worth the cash? on: March 25, 2008, 10:39:08 AM
You are really comparing different amps.  So, you need to decide what it is you are going for.  If you like Dumble tone, then they are probably the best pick, and the most versatile at covering clean jazz and modern, overdriven blues and classic rock.  The high-gain preamp is great for slide work. 

The Overtone Special is Dumble based (40 watts, BTW).  The Dumble design isn't about power tube distortion.  The idea behind the Dumble (like most preamp OD-based amps) is a high-gain preamp distortion into a clean power amp that keeps the sound tight and defined.  That's why these sound so sweet when used for clean, hey are optimized for a clean poweramp.  Most Dumbles were build around the clean Fender 85-watt Twin Reverb poweramp, and modern amps that use the high-gain preamp idea all keep using bigger and cleaner power amps.   Yes, you can crank the power amp, and being Fender based, you know it should sound nice and musical, just know the amp isn't designed around that idea.

The JTM-45/BB on the other hand is all about cranking.  The preamp is low-gain, the way to get OD is to crank the amp and get both the preamp and poweramp cooking.  Less saturated and less defined than the Dumble, it's going to have a bigger,  "browner," fatter power amp crunch.  Marshall!  Though, it's going to be bluesier, with less gain and more sag than it's tighter, hotter rock'n'roll cousin, the 50-watt Model 1987.

Now, the Expression, on the other hand, is based on an amp design for rock.  The goal Marshall pushed to the limited, but with more clarity and note definition.  It's all about a hot preamp with a power amp optimized for crunch. Personally, i think they sound too buzzy, maybe Fischer tried to get too much gain out of too few preamp tubes?

my own tastes?  The Dumble for jazz, hands down.  But I'll take a 1987 for rock (my tastes lean more to '70's/'80's hard rock).  For blues, I'm a Tweed Fender kind of guy (not a modern "guitar blues" fan, I like the early stuff), but I'm sure I could dial in fine tones on the Dumbkle too.

Hey Wyatt - that's a really cool post.  Sums the models up nicely!!
29  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Overtone cleans on: March 09, 2008, 04:53:04 AM
Does this qualify as "clean"?? Huh?

Sure does Marin - beautiful tone!  It's great to see this side of the overtone - clean, fenderish but with a lot of sustain.  Was this the clean channel with the level up a bit or the overdrive channel with the OD down low? Also, was this through the Jensen or the Celestion?
30  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Cab & Speakers on: March 06, 2008, 01:47:11 PM
That is the concensus with these amps but don't forget the Overtone has a lot of flexibility and can cover a lot ground tonewise with a bunch of different speakers.  The only speaker that I didn't really like was a V30 I tried for interest sake a while back.  But Greenbacks, Emi Wizard, RW&B, Tonespotter, and Sammi's all sound great.

ChrisL's post
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