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16  Ceriatone / Overtone / Ceriatone 100w HRM BM / C-lator - documented build thread link on: June 10, 2010, 06:18:03 PM
Here's a link to my build thread at another forum for anyone interested. Hope this helps! Big thanks to Nik @ Ceriatone for troubleshooting at the end and for Mcinku for his build thread which helped.

The thread shows the 100W HRM BM and the C-lator.

Here's the link.


Here's my photobucket link for pics..


Side notes/Tips.. I wish I knew before building

1. Do not peel the white backing to the back/face plates, the plates are held up by the pots/hardware.
2. For 3 & 5 lug terminal strips, do not use the middle lug unless you intend to ground it.
3. For the C-lator build, scrape off the paint at the ground lugs before you build it. Or else it wont provide a ground to the chassis, I learned this the hard way.
4. For Power Transformer wiring, for the 60v and 6v it is in AC so it does not matter which one you use for 60v / 0v.
5. Fit transformers to make sure everything alligns (I used Mercury Magnetic transformers) so I had to drill some extra holes.
17  Website, Store / General / Re: new Dizzy 30 on: June 10, 2010, 06:15:25 PM
Congrats! Let us know how it sounds when it gets there Smiley I am starting my Dizzy 30 build this week, will probably try to document everything in a separate thread as well.
18  Website, Store / Ceriatone.com / Re: Downgrade all parts to Asian made (aka are people really that blind?) on: June 10, 2010, 05:51:45 PM
Big +1 to this. I am not sure if Nik is human either! I had some problems and stupid questions and Nik always took the time to help me troubleshoot. Very knowledgable and the support is just him alone which is unbelievable, I don't know how he does it! There is just something satisfying about being able to build your own kit at a VERY reasonable price, prices for a bare kit are just unbelievable and I am working on Kit #2 now. I used to be skeptical about buying a Ceriatone, and after building a amp I decided to take the plunge and build a Ceriatone 100w HRM BM, very glad I decided to, this thing sounds just like boutique built d-style amps that cost 2 to 3x as much that I previously had. 

Keep it up Nik, with more releases you will always have supporters.

I get wound up by the crap i read on some forums about how Ceriatone amps cant possibly be any good cos you dont have to sell all your kidneys to be able to afford one!

Ceriatone amps work VERY well and the customer support is light years ahead of any other company i've dealt with anywhere, im not even sure Nik can be human, he certainly doesnt sleep. What happens if you email any other amp company??? Ive rarely even had a response when ive tried to contact them, which is why the only amps i will ever use now are Ceriatones.
Anyone who knows about electronics will know that the parts are quality - Ive put hundreds of hours of playing through some of my amps and loaned them to pro musicians and ive never had a problem, also i like being able to change a cap or resistor here and there and see what happens without knocking a shed load off the value

Bottom line is, anyone who thinks Niks amps are no good is - WRONG and MISSING THE POINT!
If you cant get them to sound good then YOU'RE the problem!    Nik - Thanks!
19  Website, Store / Support / Re: Overtone HRM 100w Bluesmaster help on: June 07, 2010, 06:16:21 PM
Nevermind found the problem, I accidently grounded the wired labeled "M" to the 5 lug terminal strip mounted to the top.
20  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Finished my build but no reading on v1 & v2. on: June 06, 2010, 06:53:07 PM
Found out the problem.. on the floating terminal strip with the 22uF cap, I accidentalyl wired M and the resistor to the middle lug (Ground)
21  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Finished my build but no reading on v1 & v2. on: June 06, 2010, 04:43:28 AM
Its reading ~-.4 on Pin 1 of V1 and -.19 on Pin 6, still have no clue what is wrong.
22  Website, Store / Support / Overtone HRM 100w Bluesmaster help on: June 06, 2010, 01:03:31 AM
Just finished my build and I am having problems with getting readings on V1 and V2. Odd thing is V3 has readings, my B+ at the OT CT is about ~450. I also noticed the 15k resistor on the board to get really hot, it burnt out the first time and I had to replace it and it hasn't done so yet. It's biased to about 34 per tube atm, no clue why I can't get readings on V1/V2 any help is appreciated.

If it helps pics of my build can be found here

23  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Finished my build but my pin 5 is reading way too high.. on: June 05, 2010, 10:55:11 PM
Is this resistor really hot for anyone else?
24  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Finished my build but my pin 5 is reading way too high.. on: June 05, 2010, 10:34:12 PM
Ok did some trouble shooting with Nik and solved that problem, now I have another one. Not getting readings on V1 and V2 and it looks like the 15k Resistor on the power board is burnt out.

Heres a picture.

I don't have any spare 15K 2W resistors, but I do have a 22K 2W resistor, I noticed all the other Overtones use a 22k here, can I put a 22k here instead and get a 15k in there later?
25  Ceriatone / Overtone / Finished my build but no reading on v1 & v2. on: June 05, 2010, 07:25:28 PM
Just finished my 100w Bluesmaster HRM build, checking voltages right now and my Pin 5 looks like its reading way too high. Currently at ~-70 DC

Any suggestions/comments to what is wrong?
26  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Tips for adding the teflon wire to the shield on the tone stack? on: June 01, 2010, 04:21:24 PM
Looks fine to me. All I do different is I use, in addition, a smaller heat shrink to cover the soldered joint aswell.

Sorry should have stated that the picture was from the Ceriatone sight of a completed Overtone. Was just finding the picture as a example.
27  Ceriatone / Overtone / Re: Tips for adding the teflon wire to the shield on the tone stack? on: June 01, 2010, 04:20:50 PM
When using a wire stripper for the braided shield; only do the cut and move it up so there is a small part uncovered. That's were the teflon wire is soldered. Then put a small piece of heatshrink to cover it.
Added is a picture without the heatshrink added.

Thanks for the picture! That definitely helps, I've been doing it a way that took forever. This is definitely cleaner and easier to assemble.
28  Ceriatone / Overtone / Tips for adding the teflon wire to the shield on the tone stack? on: June 01, 2010, 06:19:31 AM
How do you guys add the teflon wire to the shielded wire? Any tips on doing so? Do you guys just unbraid the shield, then twist it and solder the teflon wire to it? Just making sure I'm doing it right.

As pictured here.
29  Ceriatone / Overtone / Doh! Anyone else try to peel the sticker off the panels? on: May 26, 2010, 04:28:31 PM
I made a huge mistake in trying to peel the sticker off the front/back panel and then sticking it to the chassis. In doing so I broke the back panel at the AC Mains portion, now there is a huge crack in three places. I'm used to Kits where you peel the sticker off and stick it on the chassis, didn't know the components were supposed to hold it up Sad

Am I the only one who made this mistake? I hope not  Undecided
30  Muchless / DC 30 / Re: My new DC30 build on: May 12, 2010, 10:12:11 PM
Thanks for all the great pictures of the build! This will definitely help when I attempt to build the Kit when it arrives.
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