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16  Muchless / DC 30 / Looking forward to building a couple of these on: November 12, 2009, 03:18:27 AM
A friend and I have ordered a couple of the DC30 kits.

I'm the electronics geek and he's a master luthier.  We are going to make ourselves an SC30 each.

So, I'm doing the soldering and he's going to build a couple of really sweet 1 x 12 combo cabs.  We have come up with a few ideas on reducing cabinet vibration and speaker back wave effects on the chassis which should result in longer valve life and less microphonics.  The cabs will be made of maple with some nice figuring in the wood.  The cabs will be loaded with a Celestion V30, so we should end up with a couple of sweet sounding amps.

We're just waiting on the delivery of the amp kits.  We have our speakers and the wood is being sliced and dressed ready for the cabinets.

Can't wait to get started.


17  Muchless / DC 30 / Re: DC 30 Layout on: November 05, 2009, 05:38:21 AM
Hi Bill,

I contacted Nik about the Y wire in the layout and he said that it doesn't really matter if it goes to pin 2 or pin 8 on the rectifier tube.  When looking at the schematic, that does make sense as it is just for the standby switch.

The new layout also has the heater wires on the first EL84 labelled H H rather than F1 & F2 as on the other 3 EL84s.  I mentioned that to Nik and he was grateful for the feedback and said that he would fix that on the layout.


18  Website, Store / Suggestions / Re: Vox on: November 03, 2009, 03:02:08 AM
I was looking for an AC30 clone to build too, I just love the AC30.  But the DC30 goes so close that it's the one I'm buying later this week.

When thinking about it, the DC30 clone with the choice between the EF86 and 12AX7 combined with half power switching and a master volume.  The versatility of the DC30 would have probably swayed me from building an AC30 clone anyway.

After I finish the DC30, if Nik offered an AC30 kit I don't think I'd be that interested.  For that classic rock tone that I'm after my next choice would be the 18Watt TMB.  These 2 amps will cover my love of early British rock and blues.

I must admit that I may also be wanting a Fender Deluxe and a Bassman clone too, but they are further down the list of priorities.


19  Muchless / DC 30 / Re: Looking for an Overdrive/boost pedal for the DC-30? on: November 03, 2009, 01:39:30 AM
If I were looking to put a pedal in front of and amp like the DC30, I'd seriously consider something from Damage Control.

Take a look at: http://damagecontrolusa.com/Products/


20  Muchless / DC 30 / Re: DC 30 Layout on: November 03, 2009, 01:25:51 AM
Error with wire "Y" (from rectifier cathode to Standby switch).  Shows coming from pin 2 (heater) but should be coming from pin 8 (cathode/heater).  In the "as drawn" config, the rectified voltage would be passing through the heater element of the rectifier tube.  Should be coming directly off cathode pin 8.

Has this been amended on the official layout?  What is the official word from Nik on this?


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