Title: Pentode/ Triode switch Post by: Tonz on March 18, 2012, 06:37:56 AM Has anyone installed a pentode/triode switch on a Prinzetone? I like the way it sounds at close to full volume but that's a bit loud for practice/ studio/ late night... A triode option would be great. Or any other output power reduction suggestions welcome.
Title: Re: Pentode/ Triode switch Post by: Tonz on April 04, 2012, 04:15:07 AM Problem solved - I've put a DPDT switch in that disconnects the 6V6's (screen grid - PIN 4) from the grid supply (on the board) and connects them to the anode (PIN3) of each tube via a 1K5W resistor each. Simple mod, and now I have a half volume option. It rolls off a little treble, but it still sounds great. It actually has less effect on the amp's presence and dynamics than the triode switch on my Creme Brulee.
Very simple mod that seems to agree with this amp. Title: Re: Pentode/ Triode switch Post by: plasticvonaband on April 11, 2012, 03:27:46 AM I was gonna suggest that maybe you could install VVR on the output side of the prinzetone only, which is what Nik is planning on doing on a 5F4 for me. He said that on lower gain amps this is a good solution, allows the power tubes to be overdriven a bit without being loud, and won't affect the pre amp side at all.
Sounds like you came up with a workable solution, though Gregg |