What about discussion of the soundclip.

My mic doesn't really do it justice I'll admit, nor my playing, but I tried to play some similar stuff on each setting!

Unlike the clip on the Ceriatone site, this clip has no reverb. Just my Tele on the neck pickup running straight into the amp. This is running through a Blackstar 40 watt 16 ohm 1x10 into a Shure PG series mic (pretty cheap) into a Boss BR900 to record, then direct recorded onto my PC to be uploaded.
Starts out on volume 3, bass 5, treble 5
Then volume 5, bass 4, treb 6 (my usual setting, tho I usually have volume a bit higher)
Tried a bit of volume at 7, but started just clipping the mike so backed off attack a bit.
Then a bit of tremolo on tweed, but had to really drop my attack as it started clipping also (and shaking the floor) I cannot stress this enough, tweed is LOUD out of this little box!