Title: My 1987 50 wt "problem". HELP!!!! Post by: Big Twang on September 02, 2014, 10:21:56 PM FIRST OFF, being marshall amp fan for a zillion years [geezer here 8)] i am VERY familiar with all of there tones and variations and i must say that my CERIATONE version is one of the finest sounding, most well built amps i have ever owned and it is my main #1 amp as we speak.
HOWEVER......, when i have the volume of the amp ALL the way down, is till get a CONSIDERABLE amount of sound coming out. i have a a "bit" of that from other marshalls and clones and such over the years but very, very little sound, just a hint most of the time. i can turn the volume all the way down and its still to loud for me to practice songs from cd's i need to learn for gigs. much louder than i would prefer. anyhow, seems a bit excessive. THOUGHTS? ADVICE? is this an actual "problem"? it does seem like it has gotten much more prevalent lately. Title: Re: My 1987 50 wt "problem". HELP!!!! Post by: Big Twang on September 03, 2014, 12:16:35 PM NIK? ???
Title: Re: My 1987 50 wt "problem". HELP!!!! Post by: Big Twang on September 04, 2014, 11:35:03 PM ok, try this..............
has ANYONE ever had this happen on one of their plexi marshall type amps, either the real ones or any of the zillion clones" |