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Author Topic: Which OTS for me?  (Read 10467 times)
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« on: October 17, 2010, 11:39:21 PM »

- I only play single coil loaded guitars
- I'm not a channel switching guy, all I want is an overdrive channel reacting to picking dynamics and the guitar's volume knob. When I'm rolling down my guitar's volume knob, it does not have to become pristine clean but just cleaner, with just a little crunch for rhythm work.

- I'm looking to fatten up my single coil pickups. Although I'm not into Carlton and Ford, I do enjoy a lot Matt Schofield strat tone. His tone is a real single coil FAT tone.

- Either an EH Holy Grail or Boss Fender reverb sitting on top of the amp using short cables is all I'll need in the loop. (In saying that, I'm hoping that the Kleinulator or the D'lator are not mandatory)

Thanks for your suggestions and help.

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« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2010, 08:31:14 AM »

You want a Bluesmaster, which is what Matt Schofield is using. Remember these amps needs a long burn in time and will keep evolving/maturing during its first couple of years.

Don't judge the amp until it has had at least 20 hours of burn in time. They sound pretty sterile out of the box.

Respect for the big guy's work....we're at this part of the forum because of HAD's amps.
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2010, 11:33:28 AM »

Please get a Dumblelator or some sort as well. I think they play an important role in getting the right sound out of a Dumble style amp. I never really liked my OTS until I got a Fuchs Verbrator. They really seem to balance out the amp, tightening the low end and smoothing up the high frequencies.

That being said, be ready to experiment with speakers, tubes etc. to get the sound you're looking for. What works for others may not work for you. And yes, give it some time. I'm getting more and more fond of my OTS, it just seems to sound better and better through time while at first I felt a bit disappointed...

For advice which OTS to get I'll leave you to the others.. Smiley
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« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2010, 02:41:15 PM »

For now, I'm more inclined to get the "regular" OTS (the one who got the mods suggested by Scott Lerner & Co) as far as I understand, it's the one who's more able to fatten up a vintage strat sound.

I'm pretty cold about the 2 HRM versions because of the internal trimmers, because if I'll be getting a hard time to get the overdrive channel to sound the way I want, in the back of my mind, I'll always think: maybe it's because of the trimmers, no I have to take this chassis out again and go against the safety precautions in order of adjusting those "suckers" at full gig level, too much tweaking, not for me.

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« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2010, 04:25:21 PM »

For now, I'm more inclined to get the "regular" OTS (the one who got the mods suggested by Scott Lerner & Co) as far as I understand, it's the one who's more able to fatten up a vintage strat sound.

I'm pretty cold about the 2 HRM versions because of the internal trimmers, because if I'll be getting a hard time to get the overdrive channel to sound the way I want, in the back of my mind, I'll always think: maybe it's because of the trimmers, no I have to take this chassis out again and go against the safety precautions in order of adjusting those "suckers" at full gig level, too much tweaking, not for me.

If your looking for Scofield tones I can tell you this: He is famous for using stock unmodded blackface era' Fender Super Reverbs. His Bludo amp is a dead nuts Larry Carlton clone of a 100w Dumble ODS Bluesmaster/Ripper. He also uses a custom (modded) Two-Rock in a "Custom Reverb Signiture" chassis. The amp is supposed to have NO overdrive channel (Single channel) and just ftsw' able FET with "Skyliner Specs" w/ verb. Also he is infamous for using oval ported 4x10 T-R cabs which I think contributes to his sound greatly.

 As far as the trimmers go the HRM is not a bunch of tweaking. All you have to do is turn the amp loud (not gigging levels but louder) for 10-15 minutes and hit some notes on the guitar, tweak trimmers to taste. Actually the trimmers will be set when you get it and you may not even want to touch them for months (or even a year or so). I've had my amp for a year and I have not touched the front panel settings in months (touched the trimmers twice since I've owned the amp). These are not amps that have to be tweaked gig to gig or room to room. Let the amp break in for a bit, once you like your tone set it and leave it alone.

 The Bluesmaster PI (phase inverter) is Marshall/Bassman influenced and breaks up a bit earlier which gives the amp a certain character of sorts. My amp has the "Skyline EQ" unlike the stock HRM BM btw. I'm not telling you to get one, I'm just suggesting you may like the adjustability of an HRM. I've never played a standard non HRM OTS so I can't tell you about one. I will tell you that I can nail the Scofield tone with my 100w BM and a Strat with Lollers "Blackface" pups in it.

-Greg D. Clark

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« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2010, 07:28:36 PM »

He also uses a custom (modded) Two-Rock in a "Custom Reverb Signiture" chassis. The amp is supposed to have NO overdrive channel (Single channel) and just ftsw' able FET with "Skyliner Specs" w/ verb. Also he is infamous for using oval ported 4x10 T-R cabs which I think contributes to his sound greatly.

He has used for  quite a few years a Two Rock CRS, stock but with a 2x12 open back cab not a 4x10. He commisioned the BLudo after having Larry Carltons to use for about 6 months or so last year, but I am not sure he has even used his own Bludo live.

I was very fortunate to get to go on one of his masterclass weekends last summer (2009) and I had been hearing impressive things on the net about the Dr Z EZG50, and I swear before he had chance to unload his gear or I had any inkling about it I asked him whether he had had chance to try one, knowing how much he used to like his Super Reverb. He said yes he had tried one and loved it, and guess what? he had bought one and brought it with him along with the DrZ 4x10. He also talked about the Matchless King Cobra that he had on order. He is the sort of player that will sound stunning through just about anything (maybe not a Line6)

The main reason for the change was, apart from digging the tone he was getting, he wanted to get away from all the hype that surrounded D* clones and the comparisons with RF. It is true though that TR have since built him a single channel clean amp that he used on his tour of the States but that might well stay in the States for N. American gigs. I'll let you know what he's using in Europe later, I will be seeing him on Nov 11th here in Nottingham

The masterclass was a great experience but I am still crap Grin
« Last Edit: October 18, 2010, 07:30:31 PM by hywelg » Logged
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« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2010, 08:58:25 PM »

Just a note about internal trimers. The non HRM OTS has one as well. But Nik has a mod to place it on the back panel. However once you have set this..........
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« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2010, 09:46:33 PM »

Just a note about internal trimers. The non HRM OTS has one as well. But Nik has a mod to place it on the back panel. However once you have set this..........

Agree, I've put my OD gain trimmer on the back, but I never tough it ...that is only to dial it back to where it sounds best, which I've marked with a white dot on the back.

Respect for the big guy's work....we're at this part of the forum because of HAD's amps.
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« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2010, 11:29:21 PM »

I only touch the OD trim when I reach round the back and turn it in error looking for the speaker sockets or the impedance selector. Maybe I should take the knob off.

Dr Tone Control, Strats mostly, prefer saturated clean tones, a little OD sometimes
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« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2010, 09:32:11 PM »

Yes, Matt was clearly using a new proto amp closely based off the TR Classic Reverb single channel with a Klon and SOV-2 up front providing overdrive.  He seemd real excited about amp and word is TR might be launching this proto amp and or maybe call it a sig Matt Schofield model...stay tuned!

I have a 50-watt OTS going into two 1x12 cabs; one with EVM12l and other is TR Sig Cab with their TR12-65R speaker and I love my tone with a Klon, SOV-2, etc up front, actually rarely use the great OD channel, as I'm playing at lower voumes mostly.  I don't know if I get Matt's tone, some of this is in the fingers, but in his tonal territory for certain if I want.  I use a Kleinulator with reverb and delay in loop with high quality 2' cables that work for me.
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« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2010, 12:29:36 AM »

I saw Scofield over the summer (Opened up for Derek Trucks & Susan Tedeski) and He had the Two-Rock and a 4x10 cab. His tone was killer.

 From his website:

 Currently I'm playing a 100 watt "Version 2" Custom Reverb Signature through a special Two Rock 4x10 cabinet that they built for me. This amp has been exceptionally reliable on the road. It sounds huge, has great clarity and responsiveness to picking dynamics, and is both very revealing and rewarding to play through." 

 You can see the Bludo here:


-Greg D. Clark

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« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2010, 07:07:36 PM »

He's not updated website, I sat maybe 5 feet from him and amp face said Classic Reverb and he confirmed with over a cig in between sets that Bill modded a Classic Reverb single channel head to be closer to a vintage Fener Super Reverb of "sorts".  Yeah, he was using same cab you mentioned and had killer tone.  Because amp is single channel clean only, he used Klon and SOV-2 for his OD tone, much the night the Klon was always on, using as a clean boost and then kicked the SOV-2 on for lead tone.  Klon OD was set about 8am and SOV-2 at about 11am.
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