I do have 68pf across the MV.
Of importance, I have found lately, is the wall supply.
If you ever thought that the amp sounds so different day to day, check your wall.
These days, with more and more ppl in my area, at times my V1 plates drop to abt 180V, and that does spoil things.
I have ordered a regulator from my tranny winder. It allows for adjustments to the wall voltage into the amp so that I can set correct voltage, each time.
I have a regular OTS and a D'lator (made by Erwin). G12-65 speakers
We experimented with the MV cap. In my setup a 47pf cap on the MV (I use a push pull) didn't make any difference. I have a 68pf now, but it's just to much I think. It does add a nice sparkle in the clean sound, But the OD is not so nice. For me the best way to compensate for the D'lator is to turn up the Presence quite a bit (

I wonder if my line of thought is correct
When bypassing the tonestack (PAB switch) one should get a good clean sound. Possibly you need to use the correct bright cap and presence setting to get it.
In my case usimg the PAB switch doesn't give a good sound. It's boxy and nasal.
Getting a good sound without the tone stack should nb a starting pojnt
Interesting comment on the voltage. I feel my amp sounds different from day to day and I sometimes have the feeling it has something to do with power coming out of the wall. The voltage in Holland (220) is fairly stable I would expect (new house) but still I have doubts.
What would be a simple (cheap LOL) solution to be sure? could I check the stability?