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Author Topic: Renewed Love for the Jazz Setting on the HRM Bluesmaster  (Read 10204 times)
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« on: October 21, 2011, 10:22:24 PM »

As i may have mentioned on this forum (i can't remember if i have or not) i have an injury to left (fret) arm and some arthritis in my wrist that has been keeping me from playing as much as i like and has kinda slowed me down a bit as far as playing style, in other words, no Yngwie or Satriani type stuff for me right now, and about an hour or so is all i can play and i have to stop, which bites  Angry That, coupled with getting all my muscle memory back after putting the guitar for 5 years(i started playing when i was around 12 and i'm now 35), has kinda gotten me back to me jazzy chord driven roots. That being said, i plugged the Sheraton into the BM today and started playing some Chuck Loeb-ish/ Django Reinhardt-ish/Mitch Holder-ish type stuff (not nearly as good of course) through the Jazz setting, and i gotta say, there is really something to it. It really does make the amp more "hi-fi" as Nik puts it, tightens every thing up nicely and makes an amp that is already quite touch sensitive even MORE so. Due to the flat response and huge power rating of the Eminence speakers i have in there now (basically 20 year old Delta-12A's which are darn close to Delta Pro-12A's which are clones of EV-12L's) i can push the bass all the way up to 10 (yes really!!!) and enjoy the huge sound that the Bluesmaster has to offer without getting muddy. Roll the mids back to around 9 o'clock, the treble to between 4-5 o'clock and holy cow, it's a jazz player's dream! The clean channel can be pushed into either sweet or dirty overdrive by either my boosta grande, PAB, mega PAB, or by turning the gain up and it doesn't get gnarly. So cool. The OD channel seems sweeter with the Jazz setting as well. I have a JanGE 5751 in V2 which gives a nice smooth creamy OD anyway,  and my HRM tonestack is bypassed most of the time, so transition from clean to slightly overdriven jazzy goodness is seamless.

I don't know if it's the speaker change that has allowed me to enjoy the Jazz setting more, or if it the tubes i'm using (i put telefunkens in the V1 and the C-lator and a good balanced Sovtek in V3) or if the amp is aging more or if it's just because i'm playing more jazz scaly/riffy/chordy stuff, but wowsers, i definitely dig the Jazz channel these days and really, really, need to work on getting some recording gear so i can share the tone i'm getting, if not my crappy playing Wink

anyone else digging the jazz setting on their BM or other OTS???


Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
Bluesmaster 50 2x12 combo and some guitars.
mr fabulous
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« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2011, 01:35:43 AM »

yes i use the jazz setting almost exclusively

its tight, clear and punchy when cranked

i usually have to wind the bass up to maybe 2oclock, mids at 9

and with the PAB engaged its luscious and focussed

i do use it with a klein and find it sounds much better with the klein wound up a little

i also found that it takes pedals better in this setting
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« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2011, 05:51:41 AM »


I will have to explore the jazz setting more. I don't know why but I just never go there.

mr fabulous
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« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2011, 06:59:37 AM »

i guess i am not interested in the robben ford tone...but instead cleaner bluesier tones like albert king, Peter Green ... and i find my strat has a certain punch in the jazz mode which you cant get on the rock setting (SRV tones). also the PAB is much less gritty in this mode

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« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2011, 09:35:07 PM »

I'm pretty sure there is no difference between Jazz and Rock setting in PAB? Well, with my OTS S&M it isn't i think...
PAB is a tonestack bypass and Jazz/Rock is a difference in the tonestack.
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« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2011, 11:34:40 PM »

I maintained since first playing my HRM that the Jazz setting is very useful and with some adjustments to the controls from the rock setting is a great setting. I notice the the LNFB switch seems more influential on the sound in the jazz setting. Also the deep and mid settings are more useful. I suppose it's due the lesser gain of the jazz side that makes the circuit differences seem more useful. This could possibly be why the PAB sound different in the jazz mode.


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« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2011, 11:42:37 PM »

I'm pretty sure there is no difference between Jazz and Rock setting in PAB? Well, with my OTS S&M it isn't i think...
PAB is a tonestack bypass and Jazz/Rock is a difference in the tonestack.

The PAB sounds different through the Jazz setting, but i think it is more of a perception thing, than there actually being a difference between the PAB on the two settings, much like if you set your tone controls differently, the PAB will sound differently to your ears, because there is a perception of more or less of a difference, if that makes sense. kinda like if you have your mids high to begin with, there will be less of a perception in a difference in the mids when you engage the PAB. Also, as SoundPerf pointed out thre is less gain with the Jazz setting to start with, so that me be why it sounds so different.

Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
Bluesmaster 50 2x12 combo and some guitars.
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« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2012, 06:25:42 PM »

I'm renewing this thread since I decided to give the setting another shot the other day.  Gotta say--maybe it was my preconceived notion re the Rock setting (that since I play more Rock-based stuff, it MUST be the setting to use), but I really feel that the Jazz setting allows the guitar's sound to come through best.  I'm primarily using a Les Paul with Burstbuckers (Alnico 5s), but when I switch in my strat, it's very easy to hear the differences in character.  Also, I was having the hardest time trying to dial in the OD to my liking in the Rock setting.  Fizzed out a lot or just wasn't overwhelmed.  In the Jazz setting, though...wow.  Much creamier.  I'm using all 4 "modes" - clean, OD, PAB, PAB+OD, though I usually just play with the PAB.  I am liking this setting a lot.  Don't discount it!

mr fabulous
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« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2012, 01:27:34 AM »

I'm renewing this thread since I decided to give the setting another shot the other day.  Gotta say--maybe it was my preconceived notion re the Rock setting (that since I play more Rock-based stuff, it MUST be the setting to use), but I really feel that the Jazz setting allows the guitar's sound to come through best.  I'm primarily using a Les Paul with Burstbuckers (Alnico 5s), but when I switch in my strat, it's very easy to hear the differences in character.  Also, I was having the hardest time trying to dial in the OD to my liking in the Rock setting.  Fizzed out a lot or just wasn't overwhelmed.  In the Jazz setting, though...wow.  Much creamier.  I'm using all 4 "modes" - clean, OD, PAB, PAB+OD, though I usually just play with the PAB.  I am liking this setting a lot.  Don't discount it!

yep... exactly. i use jazz mode 100% of the time because of that... notes are clear, the OD is tight and defined, bottom end is punchy. sounds absolutly fantastic with my LP with duncan antiquities and is prfect for rock and blues.
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« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2012, 01:54:56 AM »

Glad to see i'm not the only one!!

Overdrive is like peanut butter. Some like it crunchy, some like it creamy.
Bluesmaster 50 2x12 combo and some guitars.
mr fabulous
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« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2012, 02:01:33 PM »

i have the same problem.. the mid boost is just too much....i did some calcs and simulations and worked out a pot value that allows you to sweep the midrange....using a push-pull pot still gives the switching... but allow one to vary it from 0 up to full

just one of those little jobs i keep promising myself to so next time open up the amp...
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